Racial Segregation in eRepublik

Day 1,776, 13:15 Published in USA Canada by Ralph Kline

As Erepublik takes place in a worldwide venue, the opportunity to experience racial intolerance is unavoidable. For the most part it is restricted to jabs and barbs in shouts and comments left in articles. Some are caught by moderators and some are not. A matter of degrees and perception by the offended person, a subjective topic we have all been a witness to.

What exactly is Racial segregation and how does it apply to the game though?
Wikipedia does a explanation here that is quite extensive and the links to European Commission against Racism and Intolerance here

My take on it is restricted to how it relates to erep, and how it taken advantage of by some.

Our world, like the real life world seeks to maintain fair treatment of everyone regardless of nationality. Still, this is a war game and calling someone " the enemy, " based on their nationality is not offensive. That is because it's a game, without role-play, it wouldn't be any fun. Everyone accepts that, but then there are those who like to pick and choose what is acceptable as role-play to facilitate their political ambitions in the game. Citizens of the eUSA who moved here from other countries and were granted citizenship, have generally migrated into groups, like INCI. There are of course, many others but this is by far the largest. Generally, they have been a great asset to the nation, as a fighting force and economicly. The trouble however, is that they became a political force and a target for some. How different I think the situation would be if all those who migrated and became citizens melted into the population and joined different parties not based on past nationalities and cultural lines. That is probably too much to ask now, but what it did was set up the situation we now have today. A nation that, to some degree, distrusts citizens who come from other countries. I always try to put myself in another's shoes, and this is understandable in my view. Nobody is to blame, but this is what happened. INCI would be doing the nation, and all of it's members a great service to disperse and join one of the top 4 parties, not AFA ofc.
Political goals would be far easier to achieve this way. Choosing to be apart from your fellow citizens is a choice, but it creates issues.

What I also believe is important is seeing things at face value.

Through the changing of the economic conditions, the nation is effectively working to segregate the population. Those who choose to stay, choose "a for better or for worse future". They are however, free to choose. That is the important part! Nobody will deny this is a desperate move, but what are the options for a government faced with a uncontrollable border with regard to immigration? There really is none.

When a enemy group decides to wage political "war" and embellishes their words with images of eagles and flags, all the while engineering a nationalist take-over (PTO). Capitalizing on the people's fear of loss, they choose a path that leads to distrust, but more than a just a battle tactic, it's a tool, an excreetment of a rabble-rouser we all know, that praises the virtues of the American Freedom Alliance. I would ask that anyone who would follow this banner, re-consider doing so. The future success of this party is most surely a detriment to America and a smear to the game itself.

-Ralph Kline