Punisher 1389 for CP

Day 2,572, 06:07 Published in Canada Canada by Darkmos

Good morning eCanada!

On this day, we find ourselves heading to the polls to elect our next President.

While I will be first to admit that I’m neither the most prolific, nor the most articulate, writer in this game, I would ask that you look over the candidacy of Punisher 1389 before you vote. He’s been a long time eCanadian citizen and has always been a great supporter of our great nation. You can find his campaign articles here:

His experience as Commander of The Imperial Force, as Party President of Imperial Wolves, 25 terms in Congress, and in various other positions with different CP cabinets has prepared him for this role, and in their execution. I believe Punisher 1389 has shown that he is the most steadfast candidate in this race.

With the friendship and support of a broad range of eCanadians, from the PFC to SUFFER, and from many military units, I believe Punisher 1389 has built one of the best team to tackle any future challenge that may arise. You’ll see some familiar faces, like The Smoke, Utat, Klop123, Rylde, DMV, Nyx Lynx and some who might not have come on to everyone’s radar yet, like Thomas Roberge, Quentin Carlson, Pato Ar, Natster and Foxfire.

I’m asking that you have faith in this team, have faith in their abilities to govern our country, and have faith that having new faces can in fact make some progress towards mending some of those some of those fears that we have in times of change.

I can promise you one thing, when Punisher 1389 commits to something, he will give his 100% all the way.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you support Punisher 1389 at the polls.