Presidential Elections; Interview with the only Candidate!

Day 2,418, 05:25 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readerse,

Today as always, right before the Presidential Elections, the Eye of Tomorrow publishes an article with the interview(s) with the candidate(s).

This month, we have one candidate: The Valeyard. With the current situation we already know that The Valeyard will be our next president, if nothing changes with the current situation of course.

But that's not important for now, we'll now start off with the interview!

1. Why do you want to be the next President of the eNetherlands?
Although I’ve not been back in eNetherlands I’ve been a member of eNetherlands community (for better and for worse) for 5 years now. I recently left eBelgium to return to my birth country eNetherlands because it always been my home even when I was citizen in other country. I originally did not plan to run for president this fast after my return but it kinda fell in my lap, nobody else was running, Epix was on the list for running for president under the Iron & Wine banner for months now but he didn’t want to this month. I put my name on the ballot first just for fun but when people started to ask if I was running I decide to seriously make a run for president. It seems it is a good thing I did seeing nobody else seems to be interested in running, I will be the only name on the ballot on election day. I’ve been president in eBelgium and South Africa and held many cabinet in eUSA including Secretary of State, I have experience and I know how hard you have to work to be president and that it’s not a position to be taken lightly.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?
Communitywise I think the situation is better than it was a couple of months ago. Although there is still a divide in the community the arguments, bickering and fighting has stopped. Unfortunately due to a drop of activity in GPN after van Spijck and some other key people in GPN left. The situation has not been solved but luckily the fighting been put on the back burner but I am not sure it’s a good thing we need everybody and all eNL parties active if they agree or stand on the other side of the discussion.

In foreign affairs we made leaps and bounds since the disastrous presidency of Kordak a couple of months ago. Most of the relations with other countries have been fixed and some are even better than they were before. We signed a defence pact with Germany, Belgium, Denmark and eUK and good relations with our neighbouring countries and even our relation with Poland is stable.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?
One of the main points of attention this will be Aurora and our status in Aurora and if we will be admitted in the alliance. They've been promising to accept us for months now but so far not much has actually happened to make this happen. I hope to get some things moving to get us in Aurora in if it seems that isn’t going to happen we might have to look at alternate plans. We can’t wait forever for being allowed into Aurora.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?
We need to talk to Aurora and to their HQ about our admittance into the alliance, we need to push but not push to hard that we annoy or look desperate. There is a thin line between this and I hope I and my foreign affairs team can thread that line carefully and finally get admitted into the alliance. Like I have in my previous answer, eNetherlands will not wait forever to be possible allowed into the alliance. We will see this month what it will bring.

5. What's your opinion about the achievements of our current President?
He did a good enough job, being president isn't an easy job, it’s hard work and long hours of meetings and other things that come with the job. He did a good job for a first time president, he has done a better job than a lot of other president in eNL who did more terms.

6. What would you have done differently?
This is not against our current CP but just a general observation, I think it is easy to criticise in hindsight, say this and this you should have done differently. At the moment the CP made a decision and he made the call he thought was the right one. When you’re CP you make decision and not everybody will agree with you, a lot of people will disagree and think things should been handles differently. You can't please everybody with how you handle things, things you do and decisions you make.

7. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Vote The Valeyard on the 5th!

I hope that this interview has helpt you in getting an insight in The Valeyard's brain. If you have anything to say to me, the Valeyard or just want to say hi to someone, please comment in the comment section below!

I hope you liked this article, and I hope you've learned a lot from the Valeyard.

Your Press Director,