Presidential Elections; Interview New Country President!

Day 2,241, 07:00 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

Today I've an interview for you with our new Country President (CP) Trannsvaal! If you forgot here are the results of the Presidential Elections;

Trannsvaal - 80
Kordak - 70
James Janeway - 6
Nomadicracer - 5

We've asked Trannsvaal 10 questions about the elections; his thoughts of the New World and his plans for this term.

So enjoy of this great interview!

1. What do you expect from your current government?
I expect them to be open minded. Everything they do should be in favor of the entire country and therefor the citizens.

2. What do you want to achieve in this term?
It would be great if we could have a spot in a newly formed alliance, but I'm afraid those will only emerge after my term though.
It would be nice though if I could leave my office next month when the Training Ground loans are up and running while our nations damage is much better allocated than it is now. That is something we do have in our own hands.

3. Are there any key problem(s) in the eNetherlands that we need to solve immediately?
The internal struggle in our country. The country is more or less divided in two groups. If you payed attention to the parties that supported me and my main rival in the elections, the problem was very much present there.

4. Have you got any idea to solve (it/them)?
The problem is not easily solved, but a neutral president is a great start. In that way everyone can contribute. But in the end it is up to both sides to make it work again.

5. What are our most important allies?
That is a very difficult question. Some allies are more important because they can back us up with a lot of damage in MPP battles like China and Chili for example. But there are also the smaller countries who are great friends and can help us in political issue's like Norway and Ireland. Canada could give us shelter when we able to liberate a regions after months of occupation, sadly it became more or less impossible to hold our ground there when the game changed.
Every country can mean something different to us depending on the time, the map and who is in charge there.

6. What do you think of our current MPP’s?
We currently have MPP's with Canada and Bulgaria. The one with Canada was to aid them after they landed in Estonia with an airstrike. Sadly TWO made an effort to remove them there.
Bulgaria has been wiped for several months. Recently they managed to escape into Belarus and parts of Russia. It is just a waiting game until a country attacks them. So far, Belarus has made little effort to free themselves, that might chance soon however.

7. Do you think we stand a chance against the New World?
Well, as we are part of the New World ourselves, I don't think that will be difficult 😉

8. What are your thoughts about the current situation in the New World?
It is just waiting for a bomb to explode politically. TWO is just too powerful, so in time some new alliances will emerge.
The economics are rather unpredictable. It is very hard to make a living using the market until the admins come around with an event. Someone who stacked tons of weapons could have made a lot money in the past weeks. Sadly there are always those who lose big time on such an occasion.

9. Do you think the eNetherlands is supporting you?
As I got half minus one vote in the elections, I'm pretty sure the citizens trust me to do a good job. Especially because there was a proper alternative to vote for.

10. What do you want to say to the people of the eNetherlands?
Big thanks to the 80 voters who made this position possible!
I'm always open for questions and requests, so fire away!

I hope you've enjoyed this interview with our new Country President. I (again) congratulate him with his victory and wish him the best for his upcoming term!

As always please vote and subscribe, and if you have a suggestion for a question in an interview or you want to be a columnist you can always PM me!

Your Press Director,