Presidential Elections; Interview Candidates

Day 2,235, 14:50 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

This time we've got something new; an interview with the candidates of the Presidential Elections, we all asked them the same 5 questions.

The candidates are;

James Janeway

The first interview is with Kordak.

1. Why do you want to be the President of the eNetherlands?
I want to be President of the eNetherlands because I think it will be a great experience and honour to serve the country and it citizens on the highest level. As politician it is a dream of me to achieve this and I want to be remembered as a good President by the people. I have tried it before months ago, but I admit that at that I was not fully capable of being President yet. I have worked months to the moment that I was going to run again.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?
The current situation in eNetherlands is a weird one. After months of fights, occupation and fleeing we got an agreement with Poland. It ensures us to have two regions at any time, which also secures our congress. Those events have caused a big political fight between several parties and individuals in our country. I already crowned myself to King to have some fun and unity again in the country. However I now felt it was time to have a month of restoration and community in eNetherlands.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?
Like stated in the previous question I think the main problem is the political fights within our country, now we have settled things with ePoland. Also I think transparency became a sensitive matter again in the government. I do not want to attack our current or previous governments, but there are situations where citizens deserved to be better informed. An example is the matter with the Canadian regions; nobody really knew what was going on. Was the agreement still on? Did we have to free the regions or fight to keep them occupied? Just an example that we could use some more openness from the government, as long it does not danger our national security of course.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?
To solve the problem of the political fights I want to have a community month. I want to improve our culture and write down the history to show how we have always fought together against the giant outside world. We should not only mention our differences, but also admit that we have common goals to work for and take that responsibility towards the citizens. On the matter of the transparency I can be very short, we just need to be faster in informing our citizens. If people don’t know what they should do they will do nothing or half work. That is truly no acceptable and we should improve this to improve our nation as well.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Yes I have. Dear citizens of eNL. I can ensure you a month of fun and unity if you consider your vote for me. I am political neutral and will listen to any voice at any time. I don’t rule alone and for myself or a party, I will rule for everyone with a great team behind me. I want to be the President of all citizens of eNetherlands!

The next candidate is James Janeway.

1. Why do you want to be the President of the eNetherlands?
. I think that it is very important to create more attention for the typical Dutch items. Language and Culture! Because I thing we are to much the same as the US or GB.

B. I want to give the people the opportunity to vote on a honest candidate, that will play the political game in a fair way.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?
We are under pressure! In Canada, with the Polish.. and in our own country. Too much hate.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?
We are too English.. I do not like a country that is a part of a worldwide English empire. Hollands Glorie!

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?
Fighting together for our own identity AND freedom off course.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Be proud on your Dutch identity. Proud on our roots. Proud on eNetherlands!!

The third candidate is Nomadicracer, unfortunately he has not answered our questions yet. We will publish his answers as soon as possible!

1. Why do you want to be the President of the eNetherlands?
To help unify our Country and get a solid plan moving forward.. as so many things have changed over the last several months.. I think we need to strengthen our country while we have a treaty with poland. and be ready for the inevitable war.. I am proud to have our Capital in Europe, and am not a fan of running anywhere without a fight!

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?
Currently the Netherlands has lost its direction.. for so long it was just freedom we sought after.. Now that we are out of Canada, and in a treaty with poland we need to find a common direction and strengthen our position for whatever the future has to bring..

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?
Its Unity and common direction.. We should also be working more to create alliances that will help hold back the polish empire.. as we have seen in the past they have an endless greed lust! it needs to be stopped, not nurtured!

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Vote for a strong, unified and free eNetherlands! This is my vision.. and this is what a vote for Nomadicracer will stand for! Let Democracy do its thing.. Thanks for your consideration.. & Cheers!

The fourth and last candidate is Trannsvaal, unfortunately he has not answered our questions yet. We will publish his answers as soon as possible!

1. Why do you want to be the President of the eNetherlands?
This game contains a lot of aspects that are limited to just a few people. This is my chance to experience the 'holy grail' of the political module.
Besides that, there are a lot of people on the sideline who think they know how it should be done. I am one of those, and I have taken the time to come to a point where I have enough enough experience to actually do it.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?
There is a lot of fighting going on for the sake of fighting. There is a lot more we can achieve if we looked in the same direction for once.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?
See nr.2, it happens a lot that some players don't want to help out because of the current CP. If that problem was political it was not such a point, but lots of times it is personal.
Another problem for us is that our community is just too small.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?
I have always been pretty open to everyone, so let's hope that tackles the problem that some players don't want to work with me. It would be nice if the experience of working together this month could heal the problem a bit.
Only thing we can really do about the size of our community is trying to get older players back and keep the new ones around for a longer period of time. A better political environment might help both and a training ground loan might keep some youngsters around who are in quite hopeless situation to be honest.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Yes, take a look at my rival. He is the king as he likes to tell you. And now he wants to become our president. In what country is that even possible? Do something about it before it goes wrong: Vote Trannsvaal! 😛
Nah seriously, anything you want to know can be found in my articles: Trannsvaal for president and Trannsvaal I The Cabinet or can be asked in those comments or via PM.

I'm still searching that 3 columnists so if you are interested PM me! (More information in the previous article).

Dear readers I hope you've enjoyed this article, I wish everybody a happy new year!

Your Press Director,