PM National Adress - One step at a time

Day 920, 14:46 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV">">

Plans, regrets and ambitions!" />" />

When I first entered the Prime Minister's office this month, my office for the month I entered with a lot of expectations, a loat of goals and ambitions but we all know that the first plan always fails the first encounter, we managed to pick up the pieces and build up a new one, not as bright as the first one but surrelly a step forward.

Make no mistake, this month was hard, the war, the real life problems, the emergencies that keep emerging in just one month but we dealt with them to the best of our ability. I am entering the last week of my first term as Prime Minister of eCanada and I would surelly not want it to be the last that's why I would like to take the time and announce that I am running for a seccond term. The platform shall be posted as soon as I have the time to do so!

Even if the change I promised isn't as fast and as easy to implement as I would of dreamed it is still getting done, one step at a time. I must admit this entire month has revolved around the war with France, the EDEN versus Phoenix battles and generally around WAR. Canada spent an astonashing 2100 Gold this month on the wars, 1600 on France and 500 on various EDEN operations to this of course you can add the CAF budget, all that money spent for war, for our national security and for our allies.

Even with the 2000+ Gold we spent this month, me and my cabinet, especially Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith managed to raise the country from total bankrupcy and save some money for later, at this time we have a 2500 Gold stockpile and CAD worth another 1500 Gold. We managed to set up the national export program and funds will be given out in just a few days. If you own a company, any company or you have a friend that would be interested in exporting, feel free to complete this form: for the Export Program and you should get a responce from us real fast. You earn a fair and honest buck and Canada get's more Gold into it's coffers, it's a win-win for everyone!

War in the world" />" />

As you should be aware eUSA declared war on Serbia early last week. This prompted a furious Phoenix flurry of essentialy delaying attacks, eSouth Africa held strong from eBrazilian attacks, the former eHungarian fortess of Heliongjiang, Jilin, and Inner Mongolia were all attacked. It turned out that their main effort was in Rhone Alps which we were able to help defend. The eIndonesians attacked S, Thailaind thus relieving eUSA of the need to RW this region as they had planned. In order to draw damage we attacked eFrance and they reteated 2 regions to us in order concentrate their fights on Rhone Alps. All in all these attacks were a massive failure for them and estimates vary on the cost between 9000 and 15000 gold to them for a result 0.

Subsequently eUK attacked and RWed Brittany (which eFrance had retreated to us). In the final hours the President decided to support the RW so that eUK could not block us and open two further attacks on eFrance. It was always the Governments aim to not conquer eFrance but to impress on them that this war was not goodfor either of us. As I said above this policy seems to be paying some dividends.

In the east eSerbia had taken Shandong to pre-empt an eUSA attack on their high iron region of Liaoning. eChina successfuly retook Shandong but due to eUSA/eChina MPP ePhilippines had to swap through eChina to Shandong before eUSA could get to Liaoning. At this point they gazzumped us... They started an RW in Shandong meaning ePhilippen could not retreat. After we liberated ourself from this small tricks we continued to push for one of the last Phoenix Iron mines, Liaoning, chinese teritorry held by Serbia. It was an interesting battle indeed but Phoenix managed to secure it again but do not worry, EDEN will be back on tracks soon enough and Liaoning will be liberated.

The simple fact is they are doing anything can to delay the inevitable. There can be no doubt that we are winning this war...

Make no mistake, we want peace with France, we can't get anything from them and they surelly can't get anything from us as long as we have our allies with us. As soon as France realizes that their main objective (liberating their last two provincess from Spains occupations) can't be achieved untill they close the war with us the sooner both countries can move forward and take care of their own business. Make no mistake, we may of spent 1600 gold on the war in France this month but they have lost a lot more because of our blocks and damage drains.

The cabinet" />" />

The Minister for Immigration Etemenanki has done superb work clearing "3 pages of backlog out, cutting it from 4 pages to 1" of worthy citizens.He is now harrassing CSIS for others to be speeded up. Great work and ty to all Congress members who have helped him.

CAF has continued to expand according to Government policy and MoD GoldFinger reports that there are 147 Rangers, 84 Reserves and a total of 411 CAF members in all. The Government regards CAF not on as a valuable militiary weapon but as a large part of the eCanadian society: joining CAF, or any of the Militias or Parties is essential for player retention. Once you experience that 'espirit de corps' when we plough through a wall at some unearthly hour you will understand...

I would like to also take the time and thank the members of my cabinet for their dedication and for the hours they spent helping me make the first steps in a long road and raise the first building blocks for a better future for all Canadians. You are all heroes for me, starting with Sara D, Goldfinger, Etemenanki, Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith, AngryMobMan, KyleDr or Citizen B and continuing with the others members of my cabinet that shall not be named, not because of their lack of valor but because this article is already getting to long. Thank you all!">">">">">">