Partit Hemoalista Presentació / Presentation

Day 2,647, 08:54 Published in Egypt Cuba by Bartulieber

Hola de nou companys!
Hello again my comrades!

En aquest article us vull presentar el nou partit polític sorgit de la impossibilitat de participar en el joc. Com bé ja sabeu, cert personatge megalòman i amb ànsies de venjança i odi, no ens permet a cap dels jugadors lliures i normals (ens anomenem entre nosaltres així) participar en res del joc, fent-nos l'entreteniment impossible. Les excuses vàries varen caducar el dia que ens va dir que per ell ja no existíem i érem un punt i final.

In this article I would like to present the new political party. It has been created for the impossibility to participate in the game. As you well-know, a megalomaniac player anxious of vengeance and hater, doesn't allow any of the free and normal players (we call ourselves like this) to participate in any part of the game. That make us to don't enjoy in the game. The various argues dated the day he said we are "dead" for her (with a catalan expression).

Per això, m'he decidit a crear el Partit Hemoalista, per seguir provocant-li morenes a Naboal. Sabem que mentre juguem al joc així serà, per tant, potser no podrem jugar ni participar en la comunitat tant com voldríem, però al menys passarà una mala estona en el bany. Ni deixant llast deixarà de recordar-nos.

For that I'd decided to create the Hemoalist Party, to keep causing moraines in the *nus to Naboal. We know while we play this game this will happen. So, maybe we can't participate nor play as far as we like, but at least, he will have a hard time in the bathroom. Neither leaving burden will stop reminding us.

A part d'això, un dels objectius fundacionals del partit és la transversalitat que sempre ens ha caracteritzat. No cal rendir comptes a ningú ni passar per l'adreçador si es pixa fora de test (a no ser que alabin a Cesc Fabregues o Mathieu, aleshores si que ens les tindrem...).

A part from this, one of the fundationals aims of the party is the transversalism that always had characterized us. Is not needed to render accounts to anyone nor jump through hoops every time you mistake (except if you commend Cesc Fabregas or Mathieu, then there will be a problem...)

Si voleu jugar lliurement, i sense haver d'anar a fer X o Y perquè algú us ho mana, aquest és el vostre partit.

If you want to play free, without any obligation to must X or Y 'cause someone orders, this is your party.

Si voleu deixar-vos d'hò*ties antigues, de passats turbulents, de m*rdes vàries, aqui podreu jugar al vostre aire i participar el que volgueu.

If you want to cease nonsense past, turbulent past, several of sh*t, here you can play at your own pace and participate as you want.

Uniu-vos al Partit Hemoalista! Per un joc per jugar!

Join Hemoalist Party! For a game to be played!