Part of the fun: a response to recent events

Day 2,781, 11:10 Published in Belgium Belgium by mittekemuis

When I woke up yesterday morning I found a very comical article which I felt deserved an answer?
click to read

To be honest, I shiver at articles that start with “dear comrades” it always feels like they are deluding themselves. Maybe it is not fair to other Comrades and decent communist parties but I bet you they are few.

So what is this all about I hear you thinking. Very simple explanation is that some players who in the past failed to arrange a PTO have now found another way to do the same but through this Dictatorship mechanism. I can give them points for choosing their timing right and with +8 determination the Belgians and friends of Belgium would have been fools for even trying to stop the coup from happening.

Lets look at the main two characters in this charade. The first being the commander, during the overthrow of the friendly dictator regime, of Headhunterz going with the name of Black Panther II living in Chile the only Country besides UK Belgium had an MPP with. Than there is the lovely Aries Sun,current commander after succeeding the coup, who with an account from 2012 only managed to be D1 and with 15K strengt. His palmares of accomplishments is rather poor if you ask me so I guess he wants to shine in other ways to cover up his incompetence. He gets to hold the commander seat now while his buddy the Panther has gotten the medal and left again. talking about being used 😃

There are a few other in their so called group fighting for justice and against the elite ruling of Belgium. I quote “We lived in a sort of safe state, which means that we have been governed by a County President, his regime loyalists, various informants and the other foreign pro-government elements. When we wanted to do something like giving citizenship’s away, we had to first obtain their permission and see if their rules allowed us to do so or not, which meant that we had no right to do anything independently and would have faced obstacles if we had tried. “

It didn’t occur to Aries that giving away citizenship passes to any player who simply asked would have been an open invite for every PTO minded player in the game. That rules are made up for the simple reason that it would cost dearly if there weren't rules. Can they really be that naive or are they acting like this because all they want is be part of a PTO/ MTO whatever to hurt genuine concerned players who really would like to see Belgium being Belgium and not little puppet like there are so many small countries already.

Mind you I am not a big supporter of keeping all these little countries around unless there is a good way for them to really merge into a greater whole but that is not yet the case and maybe never will be. The fact is there are players in these countries who are patriotic for their Country if it is their RL country or not they deserve to try and keep it their own.

The inferiority complex

“We were oppressed, without any rights. We were constantly blocked and discouraged form electing our own free Country Presidential candidate, participating and organizing our own Government Members or from getting deservedly earned gold from our Congress medals. Only the government “Elite” and its regime loyalists were allowed to choose its Government Members and chose regularly the most corrupted people without any morals or conscience allowing them to make their own interests. If we're opposed to whatever they did, we would have been put to exclusion as they would do anything what they would’ve wanted, because we were nothing to them.”

Politics is a game for the strong, the ones that aren’t afraid of putting in hours of work. The opposition has to question all the acting Government does that is within their full right but if they do not come with constructive answer to what they oppose how can they think they get a chance at leading the Country. You can only be nothing when you act accordingly. Whining and trolling isn’t the answer. So you want to organize and strengthen Belgium yourselves? You want to produce in your Belgian companies and improve the education of new players. I can only applaud you for that. Come up with a viable plan work with people instead of trolling and being a whining bitches.

After the Coup
The reunion in Belgium can start now that they have what they wanted...Congress passes.

already approved

need to be approved or are approved while I am writing this article

Do we need to start bringing in our “own elite” players I wonder. Maybe it is time I came home?

Some history for when you are not bored yet
I dug up some articles from some time ago to refresh your memory about who these guys are and where they come from.

We all know Konrad has tl;tr articles but he is a good source even when I can hear the Heathunterz already scream injustice…. “Foreign elite”

Wise words from a lady with a golden heart

More smart words from another lady

I will conclude this article now and watch what is going to happen over the course of the next days. I, part of the upper elite foreigner but rl Antwerpenaar will draw my conclusions and do everything in my power to restore either a friendly Dictatorship or other measures to insure that the Belgian players can enjoy their eCountry without having to watch over their shoulders every day for the likes of PTO scum.