Open Letter To People of eChina(av khan給EC國民的信)

Day 1,442, 09:02 Published in China China by Roger Chan

Hello People of eChina,

My name is av khan and I am The Minister of Media and Social Affairs of ePakistan. My purpose for writing this today is to reach to you (citizens of eChina) and listen to your opnion on what ePakistan (government and citizens) have got to say to you.

(av khan是巴基斯坦的Media and Social Affairs,寫信的原因是聴聴你們就巴基斯坦的事上所發出的意見)

In past two months and sometimes before that as well, ePakistan has been under the occupation of eChina. It is this I want to talk to you about.


First lets have a look at RL, Pakistan and China have been the best of friends since the time of China's independence, when Pakistan was the first country that officially recognized China as a country. Since then we have shared excellent relations not wavering at any time either from Pakistan's side or China's side. On several occasions both the countries came to other's rescue. Whether it be war or natural calamity. For that we, The RL-Pakistanis, have great respect for you.


My Friends,

There are very few of us at the moment in erepublik but we are increasing. Current government of ePakistan is mainly composed of RL-Pakistanis including the CP. This whole month, we had talks with your government so that we could reach a mutually acceptable solution. In-fact this is the reason why we haven't given you any serious trouble this month because of the pressure of rl-pakistanis to find a peaceful solution to the matter and not go on war with China.

But so far, we have been dissappointed by your government. That is the reason I am here to talk to you. To make you see. What your government has been unable to see or even if they see they can't do anything about it unless they have your consent. I am here for that consent. I am sure you can decide more intelligently with a new congress in place.

This is a war game where economy and almost everything depends on conquering other nations. And of course common citizen wouldn't care about peace as long as he gets extra food and weapon.

But the question is 'Is that extra money of any use to you?[/b

By estimates of your own ministry during the meetings, any serious uprising we may start, can cost you about 350-380 Gold to suppress. By our estimates, we can push it a bit higher as well with our allies helping us.

Moreover, any uprising started at the time when eChina is already being pushed in another war might cause some very serious problems for eChina.

We have been trying to reason with your government. We do not want war. Where gold is pointlessly wasted from both sides with only admins to gain. We want to work for our country and let others do what they can for their countries.

We presented a simple solution to the problem. That of paying us rents for our regions. The thing is pretty simple we, at the moment, are a small country and what we gain from those regions is about 15 times less than what you gain.

But that money which we can make is very important for us. We face a serious set-back project in our baby boom projects when our newbies can't even make enough food to feed themselves properly. We face inflation of the worst kind in our economic system. We face inability of government to do anything due to shortage of money.

In such a situation we are left with just two options:

1. We go to war resulting in wastage of gold from both sides. Resultantly neither of us gain the best out of the regions that we could have got working together. We are fine with it because in that case we at least fight proudly for our nation and of course we will get a sort of baby-boom for that as well when people will see that Pakistan is being oppressed they will come to its help. In the end, the RL Pakistani babies which will grow up will permanently hating eChina.


2. Your country pays us a reasonable rent based on "what we could have gained from these regions" and on "how much money you will have to spend in case of superresing any uprising". It will just be meager amount compared to what you are gaining from our regions and we work on our baby-boom projects in a more refined and peaceful manner and in the end we might be as good friends as we are in RL.

In my and ePakistan's opinion, option 2 is much much better.

The choice is yours.

And I hope you choose intelligently.


Av Khan or _Sora_ (on IRC)

Minister of Media and Social Affairs of ePakistan.