Once you touch the sky there is no turning back

Day 975, 02:57 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

I know this article will come as a surprise to some but as I walked today into the world of eRepublik after 2 months of inactivity, I felt like I had to pay a visit to this old newspaper and once again start the presses. It felt like ages passed since the ink met paper for the last time in this building, it feels like rust has eaten this old machines from the inside out as time rained on them. It feels like the writer that once operated them frenetically is no more yet putting words on a piece of paper has never felt easier for me.

As I logged in today on IRC to talk to some of my old friends I was shocked to find out that one of my best friends died shortly after I went into inactivity and so it was proven that while my road was just getting set on it's own tracks the road of one of the finest men I have ever met was being prematurely derailed. If you are still wondering what this article is about then let me share it with you, this article is written for Marius "Scott" Coroleone it's my way of paying my respects to one of the most important people in Canadian history, to one of the greatest heroes that served this country so I invite you to read ahead and once again honor the hero that Scott was how we are supposed to honor him.

Two months ago, General Coda was releasing an article announcing that one of our countries best soldiers, one of our prime heroes has passed away in real life. In an article that gathered 2200 votes over 500 people came to pay their respects, telling the world they are sad, telling the world how they lost a friend and sharing with each other stories that reminded them of the brave hero that was once right behind them on the battlefield ready to support them in any way they could.

Dozens, maybe hundreds of people came with ideas of how to remember Scott, of how to pay their respects, of how to make the silent pain inside their heart go away. As everyone that met Marius can tell you, he was the kind of guy that would of always sacrificed himself to help others, he was a good leader, a wise adviser and the best friend possible, looking back at the things he did for Canada I realize that words would not make you realize what this man meant to me and to Canada. The stories would not make up half of the picture and that wouldn't be a good tribute wouldn't be instead let me paint a bigger picture, a more complete picture:

http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar1.png" />http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar2.png" />
SaraDroz, Coda, Dr.Pain,saltydog, Chamrajnagar, JT Vanguard, Mustache Dictator, Nosyt, Christopher True, Nea Milosu, Ayeshan Darkseus, Chucky Norris, Captain Kushkins, nucksalltheway, folker, No Idea, danster9987, jfstpierre, Jacobi, Rolled Daal, Jelly9473, Dade Pendwyn, Unum, Mr Hopwood, Goran Thrax, Pifreak, TemujinBC, Raw784, Lavis Knight, Green Hawk, EvilKanuk, SpockPQ, Relic10, flyboy909, J Robert Calder, Octavian_F, Addy Lawrence, Trenton Rendell, Rammer Schumacher, Francois L Pignon, supabeasty, Yonsil, PimpDollaz, 20person, Falling Moon, Cozza, Dicey Farley, Doxx, memph5, only atoms, Acacia Mason, Ace_Blazer, Christian Doe, Bill Forder, Duke Leto, James McNamara, crisfire, KyleDR, Luddite, Gaius Julius Caesar00, Jashan, KIPPERS OF THE MUD, Michael Ryan, SunshineUnit, Taiwan Panda, Jimbo74, Citizen B, RyanGDI, Tenacious P, Corey Blake, HuCard, Armandos, Plugson, James Wiens, gallasmur, Anthony Martin, Zina80, George Kirk, coach nyta, jefflav, Ralph de Ver, travis jogn dring, Keldire, hb741, Nagrix, dick_dastardly (saintconnor), Adasko, Econo Maximus, Dalyath, Rabid Wolverines of Death, Tamas Dzsudzsak, Banach, Armour144, Mary Chan, 00AngryMobMan00, marcchelala, Duiveltje, anonymoushooligan.Kelly Mahoney
http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar1.png" />http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar2.png" />

This are just a few names of people that Scott influenced one way or the other, this are the people that had a gun in their hands when Canada needed that gun because of Scott. This people shall remember him and cherish every precious moment they spent talking to him, fighting by his side, laughing with him or playing with him. Those of you that remember his dedication know what I am talking about you remember how he would work even if he was feeling ill and he did not expect any praise or reward for his job, he did it because he loved it, he loved Canada, he loved this community and the people that form it.

Marius, Scott it was a honor for me to know you and it was a pleasure to call you my friend. I enjoyed each and everyone of our conversations, I loved playing Starcraft with you and I was inspired by you so many times that I have lost count. You where the power in our arms, literally!

http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar1.png" />http://nanotik.free.fr/erepublik/skin/canada/bar2.png" />

After I found out that Marius has passed away I talked to the acting Prime Minister, my dear friend, Dade Pendwyn and I asked him a favor, I asked him if he would be willing to let me nominate him for the order of Canada postmortem and he accepted, if I didn't had to leave the game before my term ended he would of been nominated by myself during my term but as time is sometimes unforgiving I have to do it without him, please listen to the audio also (thank you Nagrix).


Companion of the Order of Canada

Marius 'Scott' Coroleone (postmortem)

Marius, you have served Canada like no one else, you where a man that not only imposed himself as a leader in the Canadian Armed Forces but as respected figure among all others, people came to you for advice, orders but most importantly, they came to you looking for a friend that they could trust and they found one, one the was right behind them wherever and whenever they needed. Your words still inspire us today, your perseverance still drive us towards our goals, your courage in the face of illness teach us a very important lesson. For everything you have done for us and for this country, I truly believe that this medal is not enough to make others understand what you meant to this country.

Goodbye my friend, I shall always remember you!