October Election Coverage

Day 1,433, 13:24 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,431 of the new world
October 23 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 105
Goal by End of October: 100
Goal Completed!
Current Top Priority Battle in the eUSA. Click Fight!
Article Features
Interview with Portcolumbus- Congressman from Mississippi
Kooguy for Congress
Congressional Coverage
Interview with Portcolumbus

Your newsaper now has more than 250 subs. When you started were yu expecting to be this successful?

I honestly never would have thought to have gotten this far, but now that I'm here, I would like to grow even more.

We recently lost virginia. Do you expect us to be able to stop a full on invasion?

I think at this current moment we could prevent a full scale invasion, but I say that it will happen again.

Do you feel you have served the American people to your best abilities as a congressman?

Yes I do, and I believe that they have honored my commitment to them by voting me in for a second term, and I would like to see them do the same this time around.
If elected, what do you think congress should focus on this session?

Would you like to establish yourself as a politician or would you like to pursue other aspects of eRepublik?

Right now, I would rather stay political. If I win on Election Day this month, I will not run again in November, and that is so I can take some time off, focus on my newspaper, and try to get to know more people as the days go on.

How well do you think the vice president's council on domestic affairs have done?

I think that since this is a first time program, there is alot of room for improvement, but considering how fast we got this up and running, it is coming along pretty nicely.

Do you plan on staying with eNPR for a while?

I would like to at least do this for the foreseeable future. I love the work on eNPR, and I enjoy being with people I call friends to discuss the issues of the day.

Who has helped you the most with congress?

There are so many people that have helped me, so I don't think I could name one in particular.

How much of an impact does the econ council have on congress's decisions?

It seems to have a huge impact on the decisions of the Congress at this present moment.

Is there anything you'd like to say to me or the readers of my newspaper?

Thanks for all the support, and come vote me in Mississippi.

Portcolumbus is a trustworthy individual. He has been a congressman two times, and has proven that he is willing to put time and effort into serving this great nation. He is on the Vice President's Council of Domestic Affairs, and has started 3 discussions on the congressional forums. I consider him a friend, and encourage anybody who is on the fence to consider voting for him.
Kooguy for Congress
I got my state and I'm ready to go! Loyal subscribers please vote for me. I have always set out to be a person who makes their name in politics and the media. Move to South Carolina by the 25th. I'll pay moving costs and maybe a little extra reward for your troubles. You will not be disappointed, I promise. I have had no problem voicing my opinion on the current troubles of the eUSA, and have been active in trying to help newbies learn the game.
Election Coverage
I'll bet a lot of the newer players are pretty upset today. I know the feeling. New players generally get stuck with foreign territories. Unfortunately for them, we have lost all of ours. Don't worry, next month you will most likely get an eUSA territory.

My first month running for Congress I was given the region Basque Country. The day of the elections Spain started a resistance war and regained it. At first I was upset, but later I realized that I wouldn't have won anyways.

When running for Congress the newer players need to learn how to campaign. I make sure I send a message to at least 30 people. I get a reply from about ten of them. Be certain that their vote will matter. For instance, if you're losing by 14 votes on election day don't waste your money trying to get people to vote for you.

It's that time again. Your shouts are getting filled with people offering money and items for votes. I advise people to not vote for someone based on items and money, but based on if you like them or not. Don't vote for an idiot just because they give you $500. You could change the course of an election in a negative way. People who deserve to be in Congress get cheated out of it because they get beat by a person who tells lies and throws money all over the place.
A few days ago I offered people to sign up for a possible endorsement in my newspaper. I endorse the following people for Congress.
Jude Connors
Cody Caine
Paul Proteus
Omar Dandan
Good luck to everyone I endorsed. I hope to see you in Congress.


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Goodbye fake America.