NnK Update: September 14

Day 664, 06:40 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

政府は次のような 声明 を 出した:

Government News

New Cabinet Position
Our Most Noble President Minamoto Yoritomo today announced the creation of a new position in the Cabinet of Japan. The Secretary of Education will function under the Ministry of Health, Education and Welfare. The Secretariat will administer the Sempai-Kouhai Program, Japan's citizen mentoring program. The first Secretary of Education will be Metic.

The Constitution
With the ratification of our nation's constitution a recent memory, it has been uploaded to the wiki, for all the world to see.

Financial Reports
Administrative divisions are reporting their expenditures in the interests of transparency. See the Ministry of Defense and the Japan Interior Service.

Protection Pacts
Our nation has recently signed Mutual Protection Pacts with several PEACE allies: Indonesia, Hungary and Iran. These pacts have been made in the interest of promoting national security, as well as better relations between us and our allies.


Truth in Media
A discussion has been started in the Imperial Diet regarding truth in the media. After the conflict in South Korea in which the Theocrat terrorist group published many misleading articles, organizing a blacklist of untrustworthy newspapers, or a list of favored newspapers, has been proposed. Join in the discussion here.

Forum Bonus
If you're a new citizen, register on the forum here. then apply for citizenship and your citizen's forum bonus. The current bonus is 15 JPY. Be sure to take advantage.


Army Weapons Company
Starting today, the Japanese Imperial Army will be operating a Q3 weapons company to provide the soldiers with more advanced armaments. More details will be available from the Imperial Army Reports. Be sure to subscribe!


Empress Day
The Secretariat of Culture and Events has revived the Empress Day Festival. A celebration of Japanese pop culture, Empress Day is a monthly holiday that surrounds an elected 'Anime Empress.' Not to be confused of course, with Japan's constitutionally-mandated Imperial Household, that of His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto. At the time of this posting, Taiga Aisaka has a commanding lead in the elections, visible here.

His Imperial Majesty
The concerns of an Emperor are many, and His Imperial Majesty has found Himself rather busy lately. Following Imperial Ordinance 1, He has not been much in the public eye. He assures us He will return shortly, however, with a number of new cultural celebrations.

Prototype ZERO
Titled “Japan's Official Literature Source,” a rather new citizen named Nowe has taken it upon himself to begin exploring Japan's history, among other things. See the newspaper here and the discussion here.

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK

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