NKWP- Congress/Priorities

Day 910, 15:28 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Well it is that time of the month again, the time where we elect the senators that make the important decisions that will effect your lives everyday. The North Korean Worker's Party hopes to once again have your vote this round. We have been relatively successful, but we will prioritize a lot more this election in order to secure congressional seats. Therefor I will acknowledge that we will only be prioritizing 3 of our strongest candidates. I don't want to insult any young party members hoping to run this round, but I must urge to all of you that we are a party seeking influence and success. Your voices can still be heard by contacting senior leaders of the party, we will acknowledge your concerns, and strive to meet them. I noticed a growing trend here in our party though. It appears as if relatively inactive members try to run for congress every election, and in the process drain votes from our top candidates. This almost always results in one of them being eliminated in the home stretch, which certainly hurts us as a whole. You all need to understand that only experienced members over level 19 will stand a chance. This we know from experience, because history here has clearly given us the example that has effected our success.

Anyway, we hope that you will fully support our priority candidates. They are your voice, because they are your senators. Please support them because we can only be successful if we all work together...

Thank You, Oogieboogie3 (NKWP Chairman)