NKWP- Candidates Notice

Day 915, 18:33 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

With the congressional primaries right around the corner, I found myself contemplating who I will have selected as an official priority candidate under the NKWP. For strategic reasons, I have only select 3, and they are already chosen. These 3 candidates have been chosen based entirely on their experience, activeness, and personal trust. If you are not among the 3, I ask with gratitude for you to back out, because these candidates need as many votes as possible in order for the party as a whole to be successful. Our overall goal is slow the pillaging that has been ongoing, so please help us out by following my request. We absolutely need to get these candidates into congress...

Official candidates:


Kommissioner Mikhail


Thank You & Good Luck, NKWP