New Era. The Next Party President.

Day 2,182, 01:09 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

Hi New Era. This is Aultman. Self proclaimed sanest member of New Era. As a few of you know I am running to be party president. That vote is in only 4 days. Now I am not going to dazzle you with flashy pictures or use cute little catch phrases from popular culture to get you to vote for me. Instead I am going to use some facts on your minds. There are currently 5 of us running for perty president. Who we be? We be
#1. ReapersBlade
#2. Hearts On Fire
#3. Aultman
#4. BigAnt
#5. hollenboer
Now let us go by them one by one and explain why you should or shouldn't vote for them to be president of the second largest political party of the eUk.
#1 ReapersBlade.
Lets see. Well he is almost 2 years old. Other than that...He was in congress once... I don't really remember seeing him much involved with stuff recently... No articles from him ever. Seems like a vote for an inactive.
#2. Hearts On Fire.
WHAT!? No medals on this guy at all. His only article is a guide on how to rave? Really? People need guides for that? I thought all you needed to know was PLUR? Whatever. Voting for this one is a pure waste. More inactive than ReapersBlade.
#3. Aultman.
Like cool, man. That's me. So first almost 4 years old. Dang have I been playing this game for a long time. Admitedly I took a year off one time and 6 months of another time. RL really bites at times but what can you do. Also have been in congress twice. I have only ever been a citizen of the eUk. My max damage has been for us while defending Cork. My articles have been about my votes when I was in congress because I believe in transparancy in politics. I have been in New Era since it's inception. I HAVE NEVER RUN AWAY LIKE A COWARD BECAUSE I WASN'T GETTING MY WAY OR BECAUSE I WAS BEING PICKED ON.
#4 BigAnt.
Mmmm... Well he is closer to two years than to one on age. He has been in Congress 3 times. He has been Country President 3 times. Wow. Two of his military badges are from Ireland. From his True Patriot history he has also been a citizen of Poland as well as Ireland (the home of our enemies). He used to be a big power in our party of New Era. He then did that dumb TACO thing or whatever it was. He lost power. He lost any respect people had for him. He does this weird thing that if you call him out on any of the dumb or just crazy stuff he does he accuses you of being a TUP spy. The guys best interest is not for the party. It is not for ths great country of ours. It is for himself. Voting him in office would be like hiring Jimmy Saville to run a day care center.
#5 hollenboer.
About the same age as I. Been in Congress an amazing 20 times. Uh-oh. 2 of his medals are from fighting for the Irish. He dealt over 100 mil. damage for them. Man. I liked him to. Not even joking. I used to respect him. But he ran. He ran to Ireland with all those others that abandoned us.

Now that covers the 5 of us and my viewpoint on each of us. I feel the need to explain myself here. We in New Era are part of a country. We are eBritish first. New Era second. We used that when we started this party to recruit. We were not going to be like other parties that would spite this great country to prevent ourselves from losing power. We would rise and show the Elite that the common ones, us, would no longer allow them to control things to benefit themselves while pulling the rest of us down. Yes we should be proud to be New Era. But if we are not proud to be in the eUk and do our best to protect her (the eUk) and nurture her and make her the empire she should be then you are not New Era. No matter how much you claim it. If you have helped her enemies... How could we that stayed trust you? You betrayed us, you betrayed New Era and most importantly you betrayed the eUk.
Vote for me. Vote for Aultman.