New Citizen - Introduction

Day 2,872, 11:25 Published in USA USA by Acaedith

Hey guys,

I'm not entirely sure if this is the proper way of doing this or if it's even allowed, but seeing as I have to complete a mission I am just going to go for it anyway.

My name is Acaedith, I have been around the "New World" for a few weeks now trying to figure of what's going on (apparently the socialist party are the ones fighting to lower taxes :/ ), albeit at a very slow pace and much to the frustration of the people helping me out.

I would just like to thank everyone who has messaged me with advice on how to play the game and a special thanks to Arrden for loaning me some gold to start this newspaper.

If I could ask everyone who reads this to leave a comment so I can reach the necessary 25 to complete my mission, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time