NE Food Drop

Day 2,043, 08:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Smith 76

o7 Neweralites, title says it all. Just comment below with the words "A New Era for the eUK" to receive 100 hp worth of food.


Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Sharp83.
Successfully transferred 16 item(s) to nathaner. [Free up some storage!]
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to kennywalker.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Darfu.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to John Puller Jr.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to MrKevinbat.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Craig_Davey.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Sekula Vasiljevic.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to William Ross.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Boy Blue.
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to Alphabethis.