NBA Trivia - Fifth contest

Day 1,560, 04:59 Published in Poland Spain by Durruti

Oh hai.

As I'm bored (again), I've decided to do another contest after having the issue left during weeks.

For those who don't know them yet, here you have the rules:

- I'll publish an article where I'll give 3 clues about a certain NBA player. In the moment the article is posted, you can try to find out who the guy is.

- If your answer is the correct one, you'll get 300 Q5 food and 30 Q6 weapons, but if nobody manages to discover it, I'll post another clue in the next hours. A maximum of 2 extra-clues will be posted per day; 4 more in total after the 2 days the article is in the latest/top news.

- Every time I post a clue contest's prize will be smaller. 50 food units and 5 weapons less per clue (so the minimum prize would be 100 Q5 food and 10 Q6 weapons).


- Current prize: 300 Q5 food and 30 Q6 weapons.

- Clues:

a) He played only 4 seasons in the NBA.
b) Health (gastrointestinal) problems cut short his career in this 3rd year.
c) After more than a year without playing, he tried to come back to the NBA with Golden State Warriors.

Good luck!