Myopia Observer 第七期: أعلان من الجامعة العربية

Day 1,233, 18:24 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Myopia Observer-远见观察
全文翻译自E埃及期刊阿拉伯之声文章《 أعلان من الجامعة العربية



أعلان من الجامعة العربية
Announcement from Arab League

First of all, i would Like to Congratulate Varlosh for the Success in the Elections, he is perhaps the best candidate of all the past Elections, i was glad to be part of this historical elections, since i truly see it this way, as this Elections witnessed Several things, Differant Goals, and Differant Political Ideologies, Authoritarian, Libertarian and Totalitarian, i truely enjoyed reading about other Programs and ideas that alot of other candidates shared to the Public, i know that Egypt will now be Politically safe... as this was the second largest participation Elections we have seen since Egypt was founded three months ago... eventho the loss was by far from what i and many others expected, as i was predicting a close loss or win, but not 22%, which as a friend has put it, shows that Arabs/TAGE are no longer in control of Egypt, but the Majority of the country, made up of mostly Greeks, but it was a good fight and i believe i put up a good fight , eventho i feel a little backstabbed by my Political Party, the Arab Liberal Party, for not giving me full support, but politics is dirty right 😛 ...

Anyway, now for my Promised Announcement... whom Frenky98 nagged me for it ....
无论如何,现在我要发表我事先许诺的公告…… Frenky98一直磨叽要我发表的……

I Have Decided to Leave Egypt, as i Trust now it will be in Safe hands, i know Varlosh will take care of it, and i will be Moving to another Arab State, as most of my TAGE Friends dont live in Egypt anymore, except 2 or 3, i still haven't decided on where to go, either UAE or KSA, but most probably KSA, as alot of my Friends are already their, i feel that another Arab state needs me now, and i feel i will be more of an asset than i would be in Egypt, even tho my military experience is very limited, compared to many players here, but i believe im pretty good in winning Diplomatic Battles, and i believe that KSA needs Diplomacy now, more than RW (Resistance wars for our babies), i will also work on the Babyboom for ALL Three Arab states from Saudi Arabia, with Concentration on Saudi Arabia ofcourse, as we hope to have three STRONG Arab states, with Arab Majorities, i hope you are supportive with my decision and help me leave the state, as i will need Egypt's Help in getting Saudi Arabia back on its Feet


I will be leaving within the next week for Mecca, perhaps do a small omra their 😛, and to help Varlosh in anything he needs. i WILL be coming back tho, one day, but i have no idea when, so i hope you stay subscribed to the Newspaper, as other topics will arise in the following weeks

我将在下周去往麦加,也许还要做个朝觐: p,在此期间也会尽我所能地帮助Varlosh 。有一天我会回来的,具体时间我还没主意,所以我希望你们继续订阅这份报纸,在接下来的几周里还会刊载其他专题。

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