My letter to all New Era members

Day 2,303, 21:05 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

So I sent a letter to each member of New Era. Partly because it is the truth and partly to anger Dapper and to stir the waters of stupid that is the majority of the leadership of New Era for my own trollish entertainment. Here is the letter I sent:

Hey everyone. It has been a while since I last conversed with you my e😜arty members. After I left the party (keeping my word after I lost the PP election and in protest over the fact that the cowards who ran to eIreland returned and took control of the party)I went without a party for about a month. Then I spent a month looking into which party to join. After looking at the options available I decided to try TUP out. When I ran for party president I was insulted and cussed by Dapper and Winnie. Since they accused me baselessly just for opposing them then maybe their accusations against TUP were baseless too. I have been in this party for a few months now and it has been cool. People are nicer here. You can disagree without someone insulting you or accusing you of being a multi. It is very nice. So if you are tired of the retarded insanity that accuses others of betraying our country yet won't fight when London is under assault or yells to stop the bullying yet throws insults and accusations against each person that disagrees with them come over. Join me in TUP. Join the sanity. Join a party that actually wants what is best for the eUk not just what is best for the small cabal that leads the party like New Era has become. I am mailing this to each member of New Era. All hail eUk.