My Endorsement: SVV for President

Day 1,199, 07:39 Published in USA USA by NXNW
This endorsement is solely my opinion and should not be construed as being the official position of the JCS.

Dear Citizens of the eUSA,

It is my great pleasure to write this strong letter of support for the Country President candidacy of Sir Valaro Volcrum

SVV, as he is informally known, is a veteran member of the erep community, having served as Commanding Officer of the Mobile Infantry. He also helped to organize the eIsrael Armed Forces where he also served as Commander of their Special Forces. Most recently SVV has helped to build the US Defense Party into one of the more vibrant, growing political parties in the eUSA. His combination of Military Leadership, Foreign Relations and Political experience make him the "Trifecta" candidate.

In addition to this brief recap of his eCurriculum Vitae I would like to share some other reasons behind my support for SVV.


One constant for SVV is his honest and honorable approach to life. In every capacity he has held in the erep world he has comported himself in a fashion beyond reproach.


OK, maybe this image doesn't help me stay on track. But trust me when I say that SVV can plan, start and follow through on important projects. Side Note: I bet some of you are "following through" right now but that is allright, SVV doesn't judge. 😉


SVV is motivated by a desire to see the eUSA succeed. That is his bottom line--success for the community, not personal gain or satisfying old grudges.

If you want a PATRIOTIC candidate with INTEGRITY and an strong WORK ETHIC then vote SVV on March 5th.