Mutual Funds NEW from eCitizens Bank

Day 1,648, 16:26 Published in USA USA by Mr Andrews

Mutual Funds are a new way of investing in eCitizens Bank. Mutual Funds are similar to the way a stock is traded but do have a few differences. Mutual Funds pay out a weekly interest rate rather than a payout decided on profit on the company.

Before I get too far into the article I want to let you know that this week you may buy up to 25 Mutual Funds for $187 a piece. Send me a message in-game letting me know how many you want and send me the cash. I'll confirm your order as soon as possible.

I test marketed this new product to my employees 3 weeks ago and was able to work out any problems I had. So far it has been a success. Here are the numbers...

Now let's break it down on how Mutual Funds work...

1. Mutual Funds may be bought from eCitizens Bank at anytime for the going price of that particular week.

2. Mutual Funds may also be traded between investors. They may be sold for any price agreed upon. I am the middle man. Send me the cash and how many MF were traded and I'll make the changes in my books.

3. Mutual Funds may also be sold back to me for the week's price at ANYTIME.

4. Each week, Friday or Saturday I will pay out all investors their weekly interest.

5. Price of Mutual Funds will go UP or DOWN depending on how popular they are. If investors keep buying them up then the price will naturally go up. If everyone feels as though the price has peeked and they want to get out and there are many sellers, the price will go down. Also, to avoid a major price drop I will most likely split the MF so that this does not happen too often.

6. Each week anyone is allowed to buy from eCitizens Bank up to 25 MF. You may however trade as many as you'd like with other players.

7. You will only paid interest when I pay out all investors. If you sell a MF you will NOT receive any interest.

Here are a list of investors and how much they have invested. Feel free to contact them to make a deal and buy more MF. So you may either buy them from me up to 25 for $187 each... OR you may buy more from the investors listed in this chart.

EDIT: I updated the chart to include all the new investors and new mutual funds bought in the past few hours. If people keep buying like this it's sure to almost double next week.


Because of the overwhelming response I've decided to add one new rule. Open enrollment will only be Friday - Saturday. Meaning that you can only buy Mutual Funds FROM ME on the weekend. You may sell them to me at any time and you may also trade with other investors at anytime.