Mutual Funds eCitizens Bank teams up with Wallis Stock Exchange

Day 1,655, 13:01 Published in USA USA by Mr Andrews

Mutual Funds have proven to be quite successful over the past week. Each investor has been paid their 5% interest for their first week. 1265 New mutual funds were sold with a total of 1995 sold over the past four weeks. There are 57 DIFFERENT INVESTORS. I've had many interested in purchasing more this week already. I would like to introduce new changes to Mutual Funds going forward... for the better...

eCitizens Bank has teamed up with CLOYD WALLIS of Wallis Stock Exchange.
(New site under construction can be found here)

What does this mean?

From now on you can purchase your Mutual Funds from eCitizens Bank through the Wallis Stock Exchange. I will still be in charge of the price of the Mutual Fund and you are still investing in eCitizens Bank. The difference is you will be going through Wallis Stock Exchange to purchase the MF.

Everything else will be the same. You may trade MF with other investors through the Wallis Stock Exchange.

MF will be issued weekly and each investor may purchase up to 25 MF per week when the new MF are issued.

This week's price for MF have gone up since there is such a high demand. $290.00 will be the price of MF. If you would like to purchase please contact CLOYD WALLIS. Also, CLOYD WALLIS will be paying out interest each week.

Mutual Funds by the numbers:

So let's break it down one last time:

- $290 per Mutual Fund
- Each investor may purchase 25 Max
- Contact CLOYD WALLIS to purchase or sell Mutual Funds from eCitizens Bank or to buy/sell to another investor.
- Interest will be paid out once per week to investors

Also note that Wallis Stock Exchange is working on a new site. So some info on eCitizens Bank Mutual Funds may be found here and here.

Mr Andrews
eCitizens Bank