Mr.Paranoid's and the eIsraeli economy.

Day 1,804, 12:28 Published in Israel Israel by Hunter the Hammer

Hello again.

While doing some research, I decided that to accurately show the state of eIsrael's economy, we need to see what normal citizens think about it. So, I decided to interview a few people and ask them what they think about our taxes, our influence, and most importantly, one way they would grow the economy. More interviews will come on later dates.

The first person I interviewed is Mr.Paranoid -

My first question is about taxes. Currently, our VAT is pretty low, with the highest being 12% added to weapons. Do you think these are too high? Too low? Why do you think your way? Also, the food VAT is 5%, which is our second highest.

I think the VAT of weapons is ok, But the food should be rise


I support a economy with high tax. Because I think the money will return to us in bigger numbers. to the Israeli citizens. in Supplies. and other.

So you support the fact that we the citizens pay more so we get more in supplies?

Yes. But not only us pay the taxes. also our conquered places. But in taxes it goes to our goverment. who will give the supplies only to israelis

Like a tribute?

More like

So you are asking for eIsrael to conquer more territories and protect them in exchange for money?

No. Our situation now is great. we got some nice territories in saudi arabia, Not only israelis pay taxes to our government But those in our territories. But the goverment will give the supplies only to israelis. Thats way i think high taxes will return to us in bigger numbers

I understand completely. Thank you. Secondly, I want to ask about our influence in the Middle East. After we were briefly conquered by eTurkey, how do you think our standing in the New World is now? Do you think we can be a bigger voice in the world? If so, how do we do that

I think we showed the world that that's not about the numbers, Its about strength and unity. Turkey will think twice before she will attack us again. We showed them we are not going to lose without a battle.

Please continue about our unity and strength

we win because of great leaders and soldiers and for a wonderful alliance

You believe that EDEN is great and that it benefits eIsrael 100%?

Yes. I think Without them we will still be conquered by turkey

Powerful words. For my last question, I would like you to briefly give me a plan to grow eIsrael's economy. To be specific, how would you encourage people to become citizens of eIsrael So our consumer market is bigger

I think the easy way to encourage new people to Israel is by low taxes, but the problem is most of them leave when the fulfill their goal.

How would you keep them here?

Its a problem, i don't really have a answer for that.

What Mr.Paranoid said is very true for most citizens. Many times, eIsrael's population is in flux. It seems simple to just ask people to stay in eIsrael, but it's really a complicated problem. Many believe, like Mr.Paranoid was saying, that our economy is dependent on how much we grow our population, but we dont know how to do that. On what Mr.Paranoid was saying about the eTurkey crisis, he is right about our unity. eIsrael is a strong, unified country that will always fight for our country. I know that the situation was resolved, and we were compensated, but Mr.Paranoid is right. If anyone wants to mess with us, they better watch out.

If anyone wants to have their idea reviewed in Super Shekels, please PM me, and we can set up an interview.

Remember, the economy grows with you.

Thank you for reading,
