Modern guide for beginners

Day 2,386, 01:16 Published in India Argentina by Sher Singh

Hello reader,

You must be wondering that getting high strength is such a slow process. How can you make 50k strength by training just 5 a day? Well,the answer is here. Erepublik increased the d1 limit for level 25 to level 34. Now here are my thoughts how to make best of it.

So,your only aim should be to upgrade your training grounds to the fullest. You need gold for that ,save it . Do not use gold for upgrading any company,rocket factory or for training. You need to upgrade training grounds only when discount comes. Why pay 100 when with discount its 55 ? Your earn gold from medals.

Its a slow process,takes a year or even two. I am here to tell how to take minimum possible time . Divide your plans as per level.

Level 1 : Train and produce food . Sell food . Train,produce,sell . This should be your mantra.Also get that 1xp + 1 strength reward everyday. Do nothing else. Never fight.
An alternate is to do some job than producing food.
Level 2 : Be active,make friends . Do not fight yet. Look for a mentor . May be a friend could help you with gold.

Now by training everyday and selling food,you should have saved lots of gold and cc . Keep upgrading your first training ground whenever it is possible (at discounted price) . This would be a big test of your patience. Your then aim is to have 1k strength first.

Level 3 : By now,you must have around 3k+ cc,1k+ strength and your first training ground upgraded to fullest.Your xp would be low too. Now its time to go wild and enjoy your months of hard work .
Other than your super soldier and hard work medal,now there are other ways to get gold .
--->Freedom Fighter,True Patriot,Congress Member,Media Mogul and Society Builder.
Now since you got enough strength,its time to fight. Look for wars in which your country is responsible. Have friends to help you with weapons and food or use your own cc in worst case. Your aim is to do enough kills in successfull resistance wars of your country . This will give you both true patriot and freedom fighter medal. You have to squeeze 3 freedom fighter and 5 true patriots medal like this. If social,you can get congress member,media mogul,society builder medal too (bringing friend through referral give you even more gold) .By ff and tp medals,you'll earn 40 gold now. Now use all gold you got to upgrade your next training ground upto fullest (with discounts off course) .
Level 4 : Now your base is built up. You should be earning cc from job and food and should be at level 26 atmost. With 4-4-1-1 training ground status,use your first two training ground. You'll earn 13 gold and 900 strength each month.

Unless you have 4-4-4-4 tg status along with training contract,do not use gold for training other than the first two .

Level 5 : Now you need to earn 250 gold more to have 4-4-4-4 with a training contract. With that you'll gain 2700 strength a month and some gold too!! You have 2 ways to get that 250 gold now . Either work 19 months or have friends to loan you gold . Better is to take a loan because if you take loan then in 19 months,not only you would pay all but gain 51300 strength instead of 17100.

Tough eh ? After 2 years,you will have a nice account with 50k+ strength,less than level 30 . Now go wild and keep earning Battle heroes as easy as cake until you move to d2. You will have a complete account even with q7 weapon and q7 food factory upgraded when moving to d2.


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