Day 2,070, 05:19 Published in Malaysia Chile by Hazwani Hanum Hashim


This is the Ministry of Defense's official portal. All citizens are suggested to fight in the battlefield mentioned in this article. Please vote and chain shout this article so everyone can see.

Subscribe this newspaper to keep updated, order can be changed when necessary.

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1eMalaysia

Battle Order

1. Fight for eMalaysia at Peninsular Malaysia

Supply Open..join IRC #TheCO @Rizon

All commander please change DO...WE NEED TO WIN THIS BATTLE

What can you do to fight more efficiently?

1. Fight when the wall is below 52% - if it is more than 52%, fight in another important battle or wait.
2. Always defeat the enemy to his 0 energy, only then your influence will be counted.
3. At the beginning, do not fight with weapon. Spend your money on developing your citizen.
4. If you can afford it, fight with Q7 weapon. It is better to hit with Q7 a few times and then few hit without any weapon, the rest hit with lower quality.

eMalaysia official IRC channels
- eMalaysia public channel :
- Government office : #TheCO
- MOD channel : #emy.supp

For newbie's guide,check this out.
- eRepublik Tutorial in Malay
- Train Like A Pro
- How To Ask Supply at IRC

Loyal Citizen

eMalaysia Minister of Defense

Hazwani Hanum Hashim