Ministry of Finance - the term so far

Day 2,365, 04:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

Greetings all and sundry! Elvis Trout here, Minister of Finance. So far this term has been rather interesting, my first task was:

Training Ground Loans
The mainstay of any finance minister's job these days as it is one of the truly useful things we can do with our country's gold. Unfortunately I was given the post right in the middle of an offer and we were therefore only able to offer 10g loans and didn't have much time to advertise. But we still managed to help 3 different people upgrade their training grounds, and best of all 2 of them have already repaid the loan. This was quite a surprise for me, as during one of my previous stints as deputy minister my job was to trawl through the list of unpaid loans to cross off those who had been banned or gone inactive. I was very pleased to see the loans repaid so swiftly, well done chaps!

Admin update! Hurrah for admins
The creators of this game, in their infinite wisdom, decided to change the way country accounts work so that you cannot donate gold from them any more, and thus the only way to get the gold out is to print currency, an expensive option. Therefore I thought it imperative that we transferred the money to an Org with utmost haste, lest our considerable fortune be instantly devalued. Fortunately congress were, for the most part, of the same mind and the transfer was made before the impending deadline. The money is now being put to work on the Money Market and should bring in an extra £12-24k over the course of the term if things go to plan.

Income and Expenditure
We have had an average income per day so far of £2973.88 which would suggest that as a nation we can afford to have 8.9 MPPs. However the average is skewed by the fact that we had less regions at the start of the term, and MM earnings have yet to materialise. I expect we shall have a much more accurate picture of our spending capabilities by the middle of the term. So far no huge expenditures, (just the 10g loan), but with an MPP expiring soon, and various others due to expire in the coming week I am sure my political masters will be finding avenues of diplomatic interest down which a wadge of cash will flow nicely, so if you will excuse me I will return to making sure there's plenty of money there to be spent.

Yours faithfully
Elvis Trout