Message about the game from the UK [Italy]

Day 600, 06:28 Published in Italy United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hello e-World!

I’m sure, most of you know by now, that Hungary and the UK have arranged a training war. The purpose of this training war is just the same as any other training war, to get experience for the citizens of our countries.

Yet, when the UK arranged a training war with its long-term friend Hungary (yes, we have had good relations for months now) the world got outraged. The USA were so shocked we had decided to arrange our own war games, so shocked that the UK, for once in its time in this game, had done something for itself.

Because that is what has happened here. For too long the UK have lived in the US’ shadow. For too long we have been followers, rather than leaders. But with Hungary’s help, we have broke the mould. We have decided, we no longer want to be looked down upon by our “traditional allies” in America, Sweden and Romania, but rather, thrive as our very own nation rather than whimper as the dog of one of the so-called “superpowers”.

This Training War is just that, a training war. It is not a nefarious scheme for the UK to invade Canada. It is not our entry into PEACE. It is a nation showing the neutrality it’s congress voted for and judging each situation on its own merits.

When Congress voted on this Training War, we didn’t set out to annoy anyone. We didn’t set out to harm anything. We, for once, decided to do what is best for us, rather than what is best for our “allies”. Similarly, if they were our allies, would they really be this annoyed that the UK was standing on its own two feet?

Fortis and Eden nations call us traitors. But who have we betrayed by arranging a simple Training War? Maybe they should look to themselves as traitors, for betraying our nation with their selfish demands and uncompromising hatred.

I have been in Romania, I have met their people. Some are friendly to the UK, some hate us, regularly telling us that when they share a border they will march into London with a smile on their faces. These are the “allies” we have betrayed? Our “allies” want to invade us and the UK is the traitor in the situation?

And then these “allies” of ours get shocked, angry and feel betrayed when we reach out a hand of friendship to anyone who they dislike.

For too long our “allies” have held us back. The UK is neutral. It can be friends with anyone. I hope very much so that our “allies” respect what we are doing. And can remain our friends, while we make new friends as well.

And maybe, these countries can cast aside their hatred of the UK, for after all this is a game. And nowhere in a game should hatred and anger come into it. I really do hope our friends in the e-world can understand my message.

In summary:
-Training War – Not a real war
-UK showing it neutrality, not its entry into PEACE
-UK standing beside its loyal friends.
-This is a game. No place for hatred or grudges here.

Thank you 🙂