Market Data Gatherer/Scraper

Day 1,660, 11:59 Published in Philippines Serbia by DragoonXRyu

Hi everyone.

I've figured that to be able to really keep track of the market, I really needed to develop a way to efficiently gather data. So, I wrote a Greasemonkey script.

What it does is it gets the country, item_type, item_quality from the url, and it gets the marketplace table and sends it to my server. For now, I don't process the data as of yet so it's just raw HTML being sent over.

If you're curious, here is how it looks like in the admin side:

This will be a work in progress and I would make the data available for everyone in the next couple of weeks when I have the time to work on it again.

For the meantime, if you'd like to help out, you just have to install the Greasemonkey script and it would automatically send the data over whenever you're in the economic module.

Thanks for those who'll help out. 🙂