Look out Alberta....

Day 946, 12:35 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

Because I'm looking to get all up in your crevices.

That's right ladies and gentlemen I, Muglack, am once again running for congress. This time in the province of Alberta.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Who the F@#$ are you and why in the F#$% would I give you my vote?". Both excellent questions, let me answer them as best I can.

Let's start with who I am.

I've been playing this game for over a year and have been in the CAF almost all of that. I was a Lieutenant in the regulars until I won my congressional seat last month at which time I was transfered to the reserves where I maintained my rank and now currently head up the 32nd Reserve Platoon.

Now to the more important of the two questions. Why you should vote for me.

The fact of the matter is you should vote for me because I'm one of the best choices. To be completely honest I don't care about the politics. I don't care about the he said she said garbage that bogs down every aspect of this game on the roleplay side. I have one goal in mind when I vote in congress, or when I make comments or decisions that help decide the fate of the nation. That goal is to make eCanada better.

My understanding of game mechanics and overall big picture thinking would be an asset to the nation with me in congress. An example of my "outside the box thinking"? Well that's simple. Remember Addy's plan for peace with eFrance if he won the presidential election? All this guy. 100%. If you don't believe me Addy can confirm it.

Another example of why I am the right choice for congress is that I am unwilling to bend to the will of others, especially when it goes against something I believe in. A perfect example of this was the Longsword Rebellion. When a large portion of the CAF and the "civilian" population went in one direction I was steadfast in my support of the "Code of Conduct" and did everything I could to stand against it. I had given my word to up hold the CoC and when tested I kept it despite ignoring orders from a superior to do otherwise.

My track record so far in congress has been positive. In the past month I've contributed to a number of issues and have voted my conscience on every vote that has come up. Without getting into too much detail due to the nature of closed congress discussion and votes I can tell you that with the help of another congressman we stopped the executive from railroading a vote through congress that would of hurt eCanada in more ways then I can count.

An added benefit to electing me to congress is that I am incredibly accessible. I am very active on IRC and the forums. I also check eRepublik on a regular basis throughout the day so any questions you might have I would be able to answer quickly.

My plans if re-elected? For the most part to continue doing exactly what I'm doing. As the saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. I have however been approached by other congressmen to work on a number of initiatives to help make the country better and if I'm re-elected I will see which ones make sense to me and which ones don't then try and build support for the ones that deserve it.

As for my own initiatives there's only 1 that I want to help push through congress. When I was first elected and I got access to Closed Door Congress I was surprised by some of the things that had been proposed and voted on in the past year. Some of them would shock the general population. I think it's in everyone's best interest if these became public knowledge. Perhaps not as soon as they get voted on, but after an acceptable period of time. To equate it to the real world it would be like the timer applied to "Top Secret" material. After a pre-determined length of time those votes and discussions would be available on the forums for everyone to read.

This would force longtime Congresspersons, Presidents, and Cabinet Ministers to be more accountable for their actions. And as far as I'm concerned when you know you're going to be held accountable for your decisions and actions you're more likely to put more thought into them and very rarely is more thought a bad thing.

TL😃R Version

Elect me because I'm dick. I stand up for what's right. I don't care about the bullshit. I want to make eCanada better.