Liberation Front

Day 2,557, 10:26 Published in Belgium Hungary by Futaki

Hello dear eBelgian citizens o/

First of all, i want to thank you for voting for me on PP elections.
Our party was very inactive in past period, that will be changed.
I have a lot of plans and ideas for making LF a strong force in eBelgian politics.I think that we are opening a new chapter in history of LF.
But i need your support to make my ideas real,so i invite you to join Liberation Front and contact me, if you are interested to help.

In next period we will try to make a system for helping to our members.
We will make our chat very soon and i think we will have our party program written until the end of month.

For first article we will have little giveaway,just like i promised,
terms for getting 20 q7 tenks and 500 healts.
-That you are in liberation front.
-To write in comment Equality,transparency,freedom !