Let me Make Myself Clear

Day 1,431, 14:48 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,431 of the new world
October 21st 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 97
Goal by End of October: 100
Current Top Priority Battle in the eUSA. Click Fight!
Article Features
Addressing some things
Views on the tax debate
Thank you's
I'd like to address some things
In the past couple of days there have been a few things that I felt I should talk about in this issue. Please don't troll this article unless you have a good defense to back up your statements. I don't need a nuisance floating around with no information to debate with me.

Last article I had a long and drawn out comment war with a player named Rahm Manuel. He wasn't a nuisance, and had a strong defense, so Rahm the above paragraph was not meant to be pointed in your direction.

The debate was over whether or not we should include something on Pizza the Hut in the New Citizen's message. I felt it was important, because last saturday it was shown how persuasive he can be with the newer players. He felt that we shouldn't incorporate that in there because we don't want to start them off by bad mouthing other players.

Pizza the Hut even joined in on the debate, calling me immature. I don't know what kind of statement that is. I play this game like it's a game. At the end of the day you have to remember that. I will be serious when I feel it's necessary, but in most cases I try to have a sense of humor. I don't think my articles would be good reads without my actual feelings put into them. Sometimes I feel like having fun, which is why I play this game.

Rahm stated that he didn't care if we organized something to message new players to warn them about Pizza, but he felt it should be left out of the first message they receive. I can respect that. This led me to an idea for a new department. The Food Poisoning Control Department. It would send messages informing newer players about the habits of Pizza.

I wasn't trying to make enemies with Rahm by having that debate, I was merely trying to get my point across. I don't want to be misinterpreted by the public, which can be extremely easy to do over the internet.

Another thing I would like to talk about would be the issue of Kara Beth. Recently she has put out a 5 part series through her newspaper Kara's Corner explaining why she left the Federalist Party. I felt a lot of people took it the wrong way, but I don't know how they feel about it. I didn't want to troll her comments complaining about her bad mouthing my party, so I put my thoughts on it in this segment.

According to her this has been building up for quite a while now. I don't hate her all of a sudden for speaking her mind, in fact I appreciate it. This just goes to show that you can publish or say anything with a fair chance given by the public. Even though I may not have loved the way she exited, I didn't hate it. I will not hold a grudge against her, and I urge other players not to either. Different people do different things, though.

She has served every party job for us except for PP. She also led the grab bag fundraiser from a couple weeks ago. She has been a huge figure inside of the party and inside the eUSA. It seems like something must have really gone wrong in order for her to blow up this much, seeing how she was so dedicated to the party. Good luck Kara, thank you for being a wonderful servant for 2 years. May you succeed in whatever it is you wish to do next.

My stance on the new laws
There has been a huge debate going on inside the nation regarding the new tax laws. I have not played this game long enough to completely understand how taxes change the economy, nor have I served in Congress where I can see most of these debates in action. Sure I can see them in the public section, but who wants to put in the effort to check them unless it would benefit the nation.

Known supporters of the tax increase have been portcolumbus and gnilraps, two players I respect a lot. I am an IRL conservative, but have been told that low taxes aren't good in eRepublik.

I look at it like this: We should raise taxes for the time being, resulting in more cash for the reserves. Currently the nation has 434,620 USD. Until we see this number increase to around 1 million USD we should keep the taxes high. It is inevitable that we will be invaded again, so we should be sure to be prepared if that attempt comes soon.
Thank you
As you may have noticed I am now at 97 subscribers, 3 subscribers away from my goal for the month. I didn't do this all by myself. I had some people help me along the way.

Gnilraps- He is the one that has helped me the most. He first got me recognized by shouting my Advice for All the Newbies article. That ended up getting 53 votes. He also denied portcolumbus an endorsement in his newspaper because he didn't include pictures and links and other things in his article. That was good because pc put that in one of his newspapers, and I had an awakening. I realized that if I wanted to run a successful newspaper I needed to go the extra mile.

Portcolumbus- He's one of my better eFriends. He inspired me to make a paper. I believe he had the first article I ever read. He has also been a reader of my paper ever since I started to include quality content.

Cody Caine- Seems to be a pretty loyal reader. I appreciated when he interviewed me, so I started interviewing some other people. He is also one of my better eFriends.

TemujinBC- He shouted my new citizens message article telling people that the 100th subscriber would get 5 free tanks from him. That gained me about 15 subs.

I also want to thank others that I didn't acknowledge, including all of my subscribers. I couldn't have done this without your support.

Before I start endorsing my favorite newspapers, I'd like to tell everyone that I'm going to endorse 20-30 congressional candidates for the upcoming election. Please fill out the following form: tinyurl.com/endorsementapplication.


to these newspapers

Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Hell Jumper
Meet The Press
Voice of America
Chae Dee Business
As G as it Gets
DOD Orders
The Allied War Report
After Action Report (I work for that paper)

Newbies Check These Out
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels
Goodbye fake America.