Let's make some money

Day 2,475, 08:34 Published in Switzerland North Macedonia by Felllix

Hello friends,

This is maybe my first article on english till now and I don't write often on english because Im not so good english speaker and excuse me for mistakes in text. This time Im writing because I have a idea that I think is worthy of our attention.
Maybe article in public is not best place for this kind of discussion's but I dont like too much forums.

Anyway idea is: we have 2525 golds in treasury and they are safe there. Even PTO can't take them without Congress majority. In last 2-3 years we didn't have too much fluctuations on monetary market and gold was around 200cc range all time and making money from MM was almost impossible, or atleast to much work for small money.
At the moment gold is around 170 cc and probably will be much lower after day 2477 because Plato will input more than 800k gold like rewards for "kill rush" tournament.

Now how we can make around 450g fast:
If we propose "Issue money" law we can change those 2525g for 505000cc, because atm exchange rate for that law is 1 gold for 200cc. After that we will donate that money to org also by law and buy around 2970 gold with current rate on MM.

2970-2525= 445g (75650cc)

I think now is the moment because if gold drop bellow 150cc (after d.2477) probably Plato will change "issue money" law exchange rate to 150.
After that we can use that 445g for social programs, wars or like active capital for MM speculations and make even more gold, legally.
Bad side in all this thing is that this way gold will be less safe because we will must keep it on org instead treasury.
Almost all countries already done this and I think we should do that also.

Please write your opinions in comments (for Swiss players).
