KylePR for PPD (Für den Kongress!)

Day 671, 18:02 Published in Germany Netherlands by KylePR

Time and time again we have seen the map of eRepublik change. The unknown rise, the strong prosper, and the week collapse. Through all of this where has Germany been? In the few months I have lived in Germany I have seen us grow from 3 regions to 13 regions, all of our regions rightfully returned. I have seen us grow from 800 citizens to more than 1800 citizens! Gobba set us on an Autobahn to the future, and we shouldn’t stop here. Germany is becoming stronger, and I believe that i can help keep it in line towards that goal in congress.

I encourage all players to be active in eRepublik, to voice your opinions to you representatives. And if that’s not enough, become your own representative. I think that all eGermans should speak out on what they believe we should do.

To all new players, we should make Germany a preferable place to live. New players are what drive the new world. We should make sure that our minimum wage always allow for new players to be an active part of German industry, and that new players have all the resources and tools they need to lead a successful eLife.

No one should go without a job; we should make sure all people who need a job get one. And that everyone knows about the companies ran by the government to employ people who cannot find a job

I, like my party, support the free market system. I don’t think there should be no taxes, the government still has to be funded, but taxes should be appropriately priced, and the taxes should be balanced so that our economy runs smoother.

I believe that the government should stay out of the economy as much as possible, independent businesses and employment will lead us on a good path. The government should only step in when it is absolutely necessary, or if we are in an international crisis. Although I still stand by my opinion that our government should keep open jobs for the unemployed people, and military friendly jobs for the ongoing defense of our country.

I do also believe that we must stabilize our currency, and try to stop inflation as much as possible. We must keep DEM strong if we are ever to compete on a global market.

Time and time again we have seen Germanys back broken. Our population and economic strength has never allowed us to wage a successful war.

We should keep running government jobs in the weapons and gifts markets, to supply our troops. We should also encourage people to participate in the German military, and to fight in any conflicts that they are able to effectively participate in. I also think that every citizen should train when he or she can, and build there strength. Germany is still growing but we will have challenges on the way up. And we must meet them with an iron fist.

Germany has established friendly relationships with many strong countries, but I still think we can push for more mpp’s. I believe in the renewed mpp with Brazil, an alliance with Russia, along with maintaining our current status with our neighbors.

Myrilia has done great at continuing the job of Mofa. We should assure that our Ambassadors stay active, stay friendly, and stay on top of the happenings in the new world.

Our request to join Peace GC was accepted and I believe that we should become an active member of Peace, and cement our position in it.

Like my party, I also support a “United Nations” between countries. It should be a place where countries friendly and hostile can communicate in a peaceful environment. A place where we can negotiate, and conduct diplomatic relations with other countries around the eWorld.

If you the German people give me a chance to preside in congress, I will NOT let you down. I will stand by the core values I have listed above, and be a representative of you. I will never blindly vote, and I will make sure that I have your opinion before I vote on any bill.
Germany is a glorious country, and I believe that I can help it on its way to the top.