Joint manifesto for Norsefire

Day 1,190, 07:32 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. Soon, it's the 25th of February, a day that can change a lot for all of Homonavia. The day of the congress election, where you - the people of Homonavia - choose your representatives. The day, where you lay the foundation to the next month of playing.
So, what should you do, besides avoiding communists and sociopaths?
You should read this stuff, think to yourself "This is good" and then go put a vote on a guy from Norsefire - now is that something you might be interested in?
If yes, then you should only read on if you have some sparetime.
If not, then keep reading and let me convince you.

I'm going to put a little appetizer here, so you can see what you are about to be presented.

* What is Norsefire?
* Who are the guys in Norsefire?
* What can Norsefire do for you?
* What does FBS have to do with anything?

Now that you know what's going to happen, let's get the mayhemn started.

First and foremost, you might already know us - we are the annoying Danes and semi-Danes(Spaniards, Poles, Swedes and other cool people) who have swung by for a permanent visit since December. Some find us attractive, some find us repulsive - either way, we are here to stay, and to make Homonavia a much better onion.

Sorry, I mean union:

Being foreigners and strangers to the language of Swedish, we are of course promoting the English language in every way we can. But it's not just for the sake of ourselves, it has other gains as well.
Everytime you take a breath, 10.000 people have learned a new English word. That is how quick it's going. So naturally, speaking English is a great way to boost foreign relations and to make bonds between countries.
To show you the full perspective, I have made a graph:

You may think "Those numbers are outrageus" and you are probably right, since I just grabbed them out of thin air. But the idea is totally true! English is (one of) the language(s) of globalization, and by using English more, you reach a broader audience - and we are all in this because of the fame.

Now 50% of you are thinking: "BUT GEEZUS, WE DON'T NEED FOREIGN RELATIONS, SWEDEN IS A GIANT!!!" Actually, that is a lie. Sweden WAS a giant back in the beta-days, now we're just a mediocre country (population wise, in most other aspects we are superior - 'coz we have snow!) So, basically, we need all the foreign relations we can get, to ensure that we have something to say in this world..
Oh, and before I forget - Norsefire is pro-Poland. They are great friends, and should be kept as such..
'nuff said.(need no graph to tell you that, that's how great friends they are)

Also, being mostly ol' Danes and other minorities, we will offer a great boost of culture to Homonavia. And my god does Homonavia need some culture. I mean, some guys in this lovely little union just don't know how to behave.


So, earlier in this wall of text and graphs, I said something about getting more new players..
No, I didn't?
Well, then now is the time for that:

Some of you have hopefully seen Hangover In Vegas, and may remember the roof-top-wolfpack-speech. Yea, that was awesome and that is exactly why we have stolen that idea. New players should be given a wolfpack, not a mentor. Wolfpacks are way cooler. As you can see on the graph below, they're almost twice as awesome!!

So, I guess you are all wondering who's the genius behind all of this? I might as well admit it, HrBjorn is. HrBjorn is awesome. He's the leader of Norsefire and the one who decides everything. That is why my life have become so much easier.
Wait a second, I'll just show you on another graph:

However, as cool as HrBjorn truly is, he gives his total support to his minions who are running for congress this term:
* Stente (in Nordjylland, for FBS)
* Xivrox (in Sjaelland, for FBS)
* Christian Realsen (not decided yet)
* pho3nix (not decided yet)

So, the above mentioned are the ones to vote for, if you like what you've seen so far..
(Oh, and a big THANKS to FBS for letting us run through their party!!)

More details about our policies:
(Keep in mind, that the forum-stuff was written before the Financial Meltdown, and thus is not all up-to-date, since there's still a lot of questions to be answered..)

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)