Join the Revolution! Join the Canadian Socialist Party!

Day 1,185, 11:58 Published in Canada Canada by Dean22
Fact: Communism is not Socialism

Today, I am introducing a new party. No not just a new political party that wants to grab members for the same ideals and the same decisions you have seen for years and years but a REAL new party that has different ideas from the other parties.

Can you believe it? A choice!


For the last two years political parties and ideas haven't changed at all. Political corruption is still the same and has been in every party. They all have the same ideas, and the same thoughts. Did you notice last Presidential election that almost no platforms were published and the ones that were were a copy paste off each other? More VAT tax, more money to the Canadian citizen, good army!

Obviously, some people just say words that you want to hear rather then change things. The last time this country had a real reform was Jacobi's first term where things were actually different. The time before that was Tom Hagen's term (yes the President who was never around actually had more change then president's today because the CAF's current organization came from Tom Hagen's era).

The Canadian Socialist Party is offering an opportunity to be different then the rest of Canada. The only two options people who all have the same opinions or the CSP which, has different opinions and new ideas.

Our Political Spectrum: Centre-Left


The Military is ridiculous, and even more ridiculous with TCO drama. It is severely outdated and it's leadership resembles hedonism bot from Futurama.

That's right you don't apologize for nothing you still think everything is fine! Mr. Fat Bot.

Currently, a gigantic majority (60-90😵 of the budget goes to the CAF. This is funny because unless we were fighting for survival back in the day military received about 25% of the budget.

This is because the Canadian Forces are STILL using a logistical system that was developed during World War one (over two years ago). That's about four different economic systems ago!

Canada is factually the last country in eRepublik that doesn't use a self-supplying military with it's own companies and logistics but relies on complete government funding.

Surely, Dean22 you jest at how outdated the CAF is!

Nope! The CAF Charter that puts the Canadian General as supreme commander of the armed forces and not the President is still in effect today! Something that was put into effect by John Wilkmot in November 2008! He decided to put this into control so he wouldn't ever lose control of the military unless he resigned and made the general have his own chain of command that the President of the country could not affect!

Not only that but John Wilkmot went on to buy weapons from only his companies or his friend's companies. A practice still done today by the CAF.

If the CSP were to get control of the military it would reform it to be self-sustaining so that it would need minimal funding so the budget can actually be used for good things.


Dean22 told you so!

All gloating aside I TOLD YOU SO.

Sorry, I had to get that one out of me I enjoy a good gloat over wrongful idiots now and then.

The VAT tax actually caused more money to be injected in to the markets and less income tax as well.

What does this mean? INFLATION for everyone!

Wait! STFU Dean22 admins are injecting cash into the markets your wrong!

Guess what? NOPE!

eRepublik Admin Response:

George Lemnaru 2011-02-16 08:82:23

Report message

Injecting Cash into erep markets?

Hey Dean22, we aren't actually injecting any cash into the erepublik markets. It's just the mass influx of products that people are self-consuming by "working-managers" is causing currencies to deflate. We are looking for solutions but for now you can combat the inflation with your income and import taxes.

Have a nice day,
George Lemnaru


Wait, why didn't he say VAT tax too? OH I KNOW WHY!

#1 You can avoid VAT TAX which, I will show a tutorial for at a later time.

#2 VAT tax causes people to NOT buy products causing MORE stagnation! High Five Rent-A-Economists like Addy Lawrence.

If CSP gets into power it will raise income taxes to 20%, raise import taxes on reflection of the market so foreign companies are equal to domestic and it will destroy VAT taxes to 1% since they only cause people to avoid it whereas workers can never avoid income tax.

But wait, surely eCanadians will buy products and inject money into the treasury through VAT!

*extremely annoying wrong buzzer*

Why, would eCanadians earning the exact same wages, with an extremely lowered currency purchase any products? This is like saying the same eCanadian is going to buy gold when his 50 CAD went from being worth 2 gold to 0.5 gold.

The proof is in the pudding. As you can see VAT taxes failed us and continue to fail us where import taxes and income taxes could be saving us.

New Citizens

For too long these bad political parties have decided to focus on military to promote activity in eCanada. Look at how good that's worked -4000 Canadians in 2 years.

Guess, why 4,000 Canadians came to Canada?

The Ministry of Immigration actually, greeted and aided new citizens with things like food (medical care remember that?)

If CSP gets into power it will actively engage new Canadians to stay in the game rather than push them away with VAT taxes 😃DDDDD.


Don't be a zombie voter!

That's all for now! Dare to be different then the random zombie voter and join the Canadian Socialist Party!

Updated for Dominik: