JasonMTL for Congress: The Pragmatic Choice

Day 731, 10:50 Published in Canada Canada by saltydog
eCanadians of Labrador and Newfoundland, I, JasonMTL urge you to consider my congressional candidacy.

For those who do not want my background, I have given you the courtesy of putting my relevant thoughts and ideas at the beginning of this congressional platform. Information regarding my background and any other general information can be found at the bottom of the page.


Military Funding

Issue: CAF members are not getting the guns they require regularly.
The idea of buying guns for every CAF member is both ambitious and expensive and has not been going too well as of late. I will step on some toes and mention that not only do we need to increase CAF funding for this cause, but perhaps we should be looking into foreign markets from which cheaper weapons could be sourced.


Issue: The horrendously long application process.
The application process for the Rangers has become a problem. Some applicants have been waiting for a whole month. A whole month is plenty of time to meet the requirements to join the CAF regulars and certainly enough to get a general understanding of how the CAF works, thus negating the need for the Rangers in the first place. Instead, applicants who join in order to be part of the war effort are stuck in the system, waiting to be integrated into the Rangers and unable to apply to the regulars while their application is pending.

Though further discussion with Rangers would be required to further develop a solution to the problem, the solution will likely come through additional platoon leaders and a new application process to better manage the sheer amount of applicants.


Issue: The lack of CSIS checks and balances.
I was the first to object to Marchelala's motion for reatining the same job security as a CAF General. It was only after the motion was passed that congress actually realized what it entails. Now Congress is concerned about the checks and balances of the CSIS and is proposing a committee and bi-monthly reports to congress.

Though I'm glad the subject is finally being discussed, I do not think the little information given to congress (level 3) in these reports will be enough for them to grasp the situation, let alone make an informed decision. Instead, I propose we revert things to as they were: the president, who has level 5 access, is more equipped enough to make these decisions.


Issue: The Improvement of new player education through easy-to-access guides.
I believe educating new players and integrating them into the community will greatly increase the number of players that remain active. To accomplish this task, the Minister of Education has Booleus in charge of writing guides and a mentorship program coupled with a new player registry. The Mentorship program and the new player registry require more volunteers and may bear more fruit when that need is met. However, currently it is Booleus' guides that are truly educating our new players and he is doing this more or less on his own. Why not employ the Writers Guild of Canada for this task? A group of successful eCan writers already have quite a few guides under the WGC banner. USE THEM!

Foreign Relations

Issue: Ex-PEACE Nations = huge opportunity.
For those who have not been keeping up with the news lately, nations are leaving PEACE at an amazingly fast rate. This means that not only is the threat posed by PEACE reducing, but we have many more potential allies out on their own. Now is a critical time to reach out to these nations and possibly form trade agreements or alliances. We should at the very least get on good terms with them.

I do not necessarily expect people to agree with my ideas or for my proposals to successfully pass through congress. As a service to the people, I merely identify the problems and throw solutions at them until one fits that all of the congressional peers can agree on. At the very least, I am opening a discussion with fellow congressman about an issue that has been overlooked.
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Who IS JasonMTL?

I'll be the first to admit that I am “The New Guy”. I do not hold nor have I ever held the fancy titles that other candidates boast. Is that a disadvantage? Absolutely not.Though I may not have the in-game age other candidates have, I can assure you I have the characteristics of a successful congressman.

I am both tenacious and curious. Even as a new player with no elevated status amongst the eCan community I have voiced my opinions, criticized and asked questions until I understood why things are the way they are. Suffice to say, not all of the answers I have been given satisfy me. And so begins my run for congress; an opportunity to do more than just ask questions and voice opinions but actually bring issues to light, make proposals and in turn bring about the changes I see fit.

Those who know me would surely tell you how active I am for someone so new to the game. I can easily be found on IRC and I read the forums a few times a day. That being said, feel free to contact me, as all congressman serve the public, I want to be available to you to discuss your concerns about government.I will reply to you in much less than 24 hours.

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What is The Adult Party?

Social Perspective
The Adult Party is not necessarily a party strictly for adults but a party for individuals who value practicality over role-play, those who are mature enough to engage in discourse of all sorts without prejudice to its nature, and those who are ready and able to challenge the status quo for the sake of finding a better way.

Policy Perspective
Erepublik is a game, bound by rules and shaped by the personages that play within them. Finding pragmatic solutions to in-game problems means taking into account all options in a critical manner, rationally considering them with a view that remains focussed on problem-solving, not politicking. This means judging ideas on their quality, not the character of the player that proposed them. If you have a good idea founded on a logical, rational argument and aren't afraid to have it questioned, bring it to The Adult Party.