IUP: Not a Pushover Party

Day 1,799, 18:08 Published in Ireland Canada by Aries Prime

Since the IUP has come back into power, due to a large number of us newer players flocking to it, we have managed to create an independent environment free from the corruption of the other older parties and players who wish to retain their grasp on Ireland. The following is an outline of just how messed up these parties are:

ILP - The ILP had control of the previous two administrations and I must say they have done a terrible job. Ronisu had a fairly uneventful term until he decided to war Poland assuring all of us in congress that EDEN would back us up. The vote was a close one and was led by Irish_Born_Rebel who jumped the gun to join in on this fight, that's right the ICA were the main instigators of this war. Before any of us could really react and process the information we were at war with Poland and EDEN did not help us as promised by Ronisu. The events following were the takeout or Ireland, Ronisu quitting eRepublik, and a one-sided treaty with Poland being made.

BeanandTeddy was the next president elected through the ILP voted in just last term. Because this is so fresh in our minds I will skip over many of the details but this is when our country was robbed by none other then Sawc. I am still amazed that we had such poor security in our government and that we would allow foreigners into our government so easily, especially when they have a history of theft. Shortly after this BeanandTeddy went inactive and effectively brought an end to the horrendous job the ILP had done in the past two terms.

IFP - The IFP soon took hold with the current administration under Rikian through nothing more then a fluke in voting due to no real contenders or those contenders that were experienced either from questionable backgrounds or simply out of the public sphere for too long. Since his initiation into office we have seen a break down in the treaty with the UK, continued deterioration in our government with heavy foreign involvement, our MoF stepping down, and another robbery. In fact the only positive thing I can say about his term so far is that he has managed to keep bootcamp operating and doing well but as the previous commander of bootcamp this is something I would expect from him anyway. I do not know what other surprises he holds for us in the future but I am hoping we can minimize whatever damage follows.

Saorise - They are basically a recreation of the IPP and a refuge of the ICA. It should be no secret that the ICA have turned from being a glorious and prestigious group, into the scum of Ireland. A large majority of the ICA and those in charge of it are flat out immature, bratty, and insolent children playing with the future of our country for their own laughs and trolls. I admit some in their group, like The Psych0 and Stilpo, seem to be of good character but again many of this group have degraded into something extremely harmful for Ireland. I wish I could say better things about Saorise but given the current state of the ICA and its members this party is almost a no go if you are a simple Irish patriot looking to better your country, free from corruption.

We at the IUP are flat out the only major party standing that is either not corrupt or does not have a history of constantly screwing up and hurting Ireland. This being said we have also yet to declare which candidate, Nogin or Psych0, we will be supporting. Because of our current position we will be a major factor in deciding who wins CP next term and I suggest both candidates invest some time in campaigning for our support : )

There are no requirements to join the IUP but note that we do not tolerate corruption. We are here to better Ireland, not for any selfish motivations, and we expect the same from anyone wishing to join. We are also very anxious to gain new players who are free from the corruption already rampant in Ireland. Many of us in the IUP now are just a few months old and we greatly welcome newer players to our cause.

Our channel on irc is #eIUP so please feel free to stop by and ask questions or just say hello.

Acting Party President,

~ Aries