It's HAPpening

Day 5,571, 08:02 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Greetings fellow Canadians,

By now you've surely heard of the Hot Air Program (HAP), a lovely little program administered by Kippers, Mann and Napolean. The program is routinely the subject of discussion amongst congresspeople and changes are made based upon those discussions.

Recently the pay-out formula for those who participate in the HAP has been changed, with the goal in mind of incentivizing activity, increasing the value for newer players and reducing the rewards taken by experienced players.

Now I'm hardly an expert in math or complex formulas (lolz) but the best summary I've seen of the changes is as follows:

Anyone making less than 4096 kills will get a pay increase compared to the previous formula. Everyone making more than 4096 kills will get a pay cut.

Unfortunately the registration for the current HAP is closed, but in a couple weeks you should see a new registration article published by the Canadian Civil Defence Org.

Even if you do not routinely fight in air battles, the pay-out you can receive is worth checking out.

Hugs and Kisses,


PS Don't forget about the little deal that Klinky and I've made. The bonus loot from one of us could be awarded during the next month, if either of us picks up the pace and starts taking things seriously!