Issue 1 Saturday 6th June Day 2755

Day 2,755, 06:24 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Hamza Azeem
The Islamabad Times.
Presidential Elections

Punjab Pakistan, The Presidential Election results were announced today in favour of TheJakal of the Democratic Party as the Pakistani people take a sigh of relief at the end of the most controversial election in Pakistan History the Democratic party accused the Islamic party of being allied with the Turkish Militia which is taking over the country on behalf of the Turkish Government as we speak. However the Islamic Party denies such claims. This is a great victory for the Democratic party because eventhough they do not have majority in congress they do have the most powerful position of the country after the Dictator in there control.
Punjab is under attack

Punjab Pakistan, The Turkish Military has attacked Punjab Pakistan's last remaining territory and capital. So far the President of Pakistan said that these territories were going to be returned by the Congress election on the 25th but this remains to be seen.

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