Irule777 for CP

Day 1,833, 13:40 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Well what do you know, it’s back. Hello everyone! My name’s Irule777 and I’d like to officially announce my candidature for Prime Minister of Australia in the December race. Some of you may know me, probably more than last month’s announcement, but I intend to further spread into this active community throughout my campaign for those of you who don’t.

I’m Irule777, Former loads of times cabinet member, senator, and various other assortment of positions that most of you don’t care about. I’ve been an active player of this game for a long time now and have been involved in government, politics, and the military. And I would like to apply my experience, knowledge, and work ethics to the job of Country President of Australia.

I was a candidate in the November CP race and withdrew my candidacy upon the Unity vote going to Ranger Bob. I am not here because I wanted a medal, fame, or some twisted form of power. I spent the last month working hard on Ranger Bob’s cabinet in departments that weren’t even mine and some that were, just for this country. I’m here to do my very best for this nation and add to it what I can, not for some old medal. What does that mean? If I lose, you’ll see me just as active and involved as before. I do my very best for this nation no matter what position or title I hold and I pride myself to know that I always will.

Now after working a month with Ranger Bob and learning far more than I could’ve imagined, I’m happy to be back with this extra experience and knowledge. This term will be about continuing Ranger’s work and pushing it to the max along with adding my own. Ranger’s term proved to push Australia in the direction we need to be heading and I’m happy to be able to avoid the term transition by keeping some staff members and continuing on in the same general pathway.

Now onto the stuff you actually care about, my policies. Most of these haven’t changed from the previous run. These are general outlines for Information and Education. Foreign Affairs, Defense, and the bigger stuff will come in future articles.

My position on education hasn’t changed one bit from last month. Education today is thought of to be the publishing of articles for noobs, and that’s about it. In my opinion, that’s a heavily disappointing description of the department. Educating new players should involved active communication with as many newbs as possible, bringing them to IRC and the forums, and getting them involved in lower level government positions. Not teaching them Two Clicking 101. What good does an inactive do for anyone? Whereas look at how much good an active can do for so many. Education this term will be about exactly that, not only articles.

On top of all of this, we welcome back Centrelink this month to Australia. A program I’m very happy to say I’ll be keeping. Centrelink is a helpful program to new players with anything they could possibly need. Education is our future and Centrelink is promoting a brighter one.

Another department for me that simply hasn’t changed. Open communication is key for any government. I’m elected by you to serve you, not elected by you to serve myself. I promise to keep an open line of communication through articles from our departments and myself on exactly what’s going on. I also plan to inform our senate and standard citizens of our day to day affairs through forum posts or just general IRC, articles and shouts. You have a right to know what I’m doing, and when. Because afterall, it’s all for YOU.

This term my cabinet will be smaller, though I’m happy to bring on plenty of people in supporting positions who are newer or even experienced. If you’re interested just shoot me a message. Your party, race, gender, or anything else you can think of that I could discriminate you with, doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. What matters to me is your activity and work ethic. I love having new blood in the cabinet and will never turn down an active member looking to help.

I couldn’t be more excited for another attempt at CP this month and another try at representing you, the people. I hope you all will support my campaign and send me your votes on election day. As always I will be running an entirely clean campaign. I'm not here only to beat someone. I’m not running only because I don’t like who is. I’m running here today for you.

More Articles to come!
Irule777 for Prime Minister of Australia

(Sorry for lack of Pics and any spelling mistakes. Arthur took too long on my CP picture 😛)