Interview with Shtula

Day 1,837, 22:15 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

1. All of our candidates obviously want to see our nation back on the map, but in which way will you try to achieve this, diplomacy or through military means?

Diplomacy of course. I've already said that all problems trying to solve through dialogue. We're all just human right? 🙂

2. Recently there has been an a new movement which would see us end our alliance with EDEN and find new allies. Would you push to leave EDEN and pursue new interests or remain in EDEN?

Personally, I never liked that alliance. From beggining I wanted to Holland departed from them, because they never give concrete help even when we most needed it. For start,I wana see eNL as a neutral country,I dont want to hurry with new alliance cause,first I want to know all about the unions that we wouldnt make the same mistake.

3. If you could choose one word in which you would describe the way you would rule over the Netherlands, what word would it be?


4. Could you take this quiz and tell me the result?

Dog 😃

5. Our nation currently is suffering from a low population, what will you do to increase our numbers?

Honestly,it's easier to rid the state of occupation rather than increase the number of players. I'm not sure that I will succeed but I'll certainly try,I dont know how,but I'll try.

6. Politically speaking you have never been CP before and held a seat in Congress only three times, what other experience would you bring with you?

I am the founder of the Movement in eSerbia, which is currently very successful " Pokret eDveri ". The two times I was in the government of eSerbia. Once I was the minister of the economy, the second time I was Minister of Information. And now,in eNL,Vice President (Thanks vSpijck for trust). 🙂

7. You are going head to head with ElGorro and vS, arguably two of the Netherlands biggest names in politics. Why should people change and vote for you instead of electing just another big name?

hehe,good question. Both of this guys are my very good friends. They helped me a lot when I first came here. I'm sorry that we are on different sides now,but just on the paper. It will be hard to win the election but I'm optimistic and VVN will certainly looking for our chance. I dont know, maybe people recognize my idea of ​​liberation. 🙂

And that's how the cookie crumbles.

As always V,S&S

Joshua Morriseau
GPN Party President