In response to [MoC] When to use your bazooka's

Day 2,067, 04:07 Published in Netherlands Finland by Walhallah

The Ministry of Coaching presents us with very interesting articles that help guide new players or moderately advanced players along the paths of eRep.

There is one particular article of them that I want to challenge. I hope we can start a debate about this in order to make our people more successful in the game.

Link to the article:

I would like to add that in my limited experience the MAIN purpose to use your bazooka's currently is the MISSIONS. It would take dozens of bazooka's to bring in a BH, but bazooka's are NECESSARY for completing missions.

* Missions sometimes require to do 200 or even 500 kills, sometimes in one day. Bazooka's is the most health friendly way for a kill.
* Missions sometimes require to do a relative % of hitpoints
* Missions sometimes require you to kill some mean bastard titan that has 10.000 hp
* Missions sometimes REQUIRE you to get a BH.

This all seems difficult, and it can be a real challenge. However if you complete the missions, even partly, the rewards can be worthwhile, such as

* Small Bombs and Big Bombs => major damage
* Gold
* Strenght.

The last mission was a real challenge. I wonder how many people actually completed it. I bet many people actually stopped trying when they read the requirements that were published. Now, I took the challenge but it turned out that you sometimes get extra energy bars or bazooka's that actually allow you to complete the missions without you being filthy rich in gold.
All in all i spend 30 bazooka's and 30 EB's + what I received in the missions itself. The previous Titanic challenge was actually similar. Lies! I also spend 500cc on extra Q7 weapons, because I ran out. However, i didnt spend any additional resources, money or gold.

So basically I would like to advice everybody to gather enough EB en bazooka's through the DO's so you can complete the missions. Its not impossible to gather 30-40 of each in advance. The 20 EB and handful of bazookas that you received during last missions (you also get parts by fighting) are enough to finish them and get your hands on the goodies.

If at all, save your bazooka's for the MISSIONS. You need them on stock to complete them, but only a reasonable amount.

In other words, DONT use them for BH and certainly not randomly.