Iain Keers for TUP Party President

Day 478, 13:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313
This is not an edition of the Economist, and has intrinsic political bias.

Please vote up, for democracies sake.

Dear friends,

I have taken the decision to stand for Unity Party President. Some of you may have spoken to me before on the forums, all of you should have received at least one message from me in the last month. I fulfil a variety of roles in eRepublik. I am the Master of the Guild of Hard Workers. I run a small co-operative business: the Co-operative Gifting Company. I write the Economist newspaper which publishes once weekly. I am the Unity Party Whip. Most importantly, I represent the lovely citizens of Yorkshire and Humberside in our national Congress.

In the last few weeks I have organised and run the first Party Conference in the eUK. It was done mostly on the forums, and out of that, we now have a constitution. Soon, we will have a manifesto document which we can all stand on for the next election.

But enough about what I have done. Let's talk about what I want to do.

I want to make the Unity Party the number one party in the UK. I don't want it to be there because of membership numbers, I want it to be number one because it is a party of leaders. I want the Unity Party to be synonymous with strong, forward thinking policies in the same way that the UKRP is synonymous with the Presidency at the moment.

I want to stand two candidates for every region. We have the active people to contest every seat, we just need to make a concerted effort to get them standing. If elected I will start the selection process immediately, and once our regulars are signed up fill the gaps with the new talents we have acquired over the last month. Voting TUP should be a choice every citizen has.

I want to introduce discipline into our party. We have had some of the greatest talents in eRepublik under the TUP banner, but we need to work together as a party if we are to achieve our goals. The new parliamentary whip system will make sure that there is TUP discussion on every issue, and a TUP official line on every issue. This motion has already passed, and I mean to implement it.

I want to make foreign policy one of our parties biggest areas of competence. We have former Ministers of Foreign Affairs amongst us, and I want to utilise their talents. The Unity Party is renowned for its liberal attitude and willingness to talk to all countries. We can be the olive branch.

I want to implement our new constitution, and our manifesto. For those who haven't seen either, the Constitution can be found here, and the manifesto is on our private forums. We've done a lot of work making this work, and now we just have to put the plan in action.

So why vote for me, and not anyone else? Because I won't be a caretaker Party President. I will be a leader. I have a vision for the future of this party that drives me to stand. I want to place us at the very centre of UK politics. I have written “I” more in this one article than all my previous articles put together. This is because I'm not naturally the kind of person who thinks about themselves. It took a lot of consideration and deliberation to stand in this election. I might never have done it if it wasn't for Malta being quiet on the forums and my friends in the Unity Party encouraging me to put myself forward.

We can make this party great. But I'll need your help.

Please vote for Iain Keers for Party President.

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Those of you who are thinking about joining a party, and are considering the Unity Party: do it. Our membership has soared recently, and it's only good times ahead. We need new active people if our audacious plans are to succeed. I hope to see you soon on the forums 🙂 x