I support Oblige for President and you Should too

Day 1,472, 14:15 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,472 of the new world
December 2 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 128
Goal by End of December: 140
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Article Features
Endorsement for Oblige
Revolutionary Happenings
It's only a game

Oblige for POTUS
I have come to a final decision on who I'm voting for. After long deliberation I have concluded that Oblige is my favorite candidate. At one point I was supporting Haliman, but I'm more familiar with Oblige, so it's a more comfortable decision.

I hope the race is close. Haliman is a great candidate, and I wish him good luck. It seems to me that both of them are more than capable of defeating ONE in the coming month, which is going to be the most important issue going into the elections.

As you can see the USWP isn't running any candidates, although it seems like they'll give support to Oblige. This isn't surprising considering the USWP and AMP don't get along very well.

I have filled out the cabinet application form. I applied for a position in the media, although it's unlikely I'll get a spot there. Eventually I'll become a congressman and it will give me something to add to my previous positions and qualifications.

Running for Congress, not Party President
Due to a couple of reasons I will not be running for PP of the Revolutionary Party next month. One of them is that Cody Cainewill not be running for Congress next month, so he is going to take over the job.

Because of that I will be free to make another run for Congress. Besides the 25th being Christmas I will pretty much have the entire month open. This is the ideal month for me to start my career, so I'll keep my Party Presidency down to a one term thing.

With Cody as the leader the party will once again be in good hands. I know we will continue to see great growth throughout the coming months until we finally take a spot in the top five.

Just a Game
I'd like to take some time to talk about something that I've always known but have never completely accepted. This is a game. I wasn't online for about three days during the week of Thanksgiving, and I had some things happen to me that opened my eyes.

I hadn't really noticed I hadn't been on. I kind of enjoyed the brief time away from the game that I had. The reason I joined started coming back to me. A player from another game said that you could go online whenever you wanted, being offline didn't hurt you.

This sounded appealing to me. The game I played before this required logging on multiple times a day otherwise you'd be destroyed. I wanted a game that wasn't work, so I decided to give it a try.

The beauty of this game is that you don't have to log on multiple times a day. If you have next to no internet access you can log on for five minutes, do what you need to do, and get back to what you're doing in RL.

I guess the point I'm trying to get across here is that this is just a hobby. Taking a break is healthy. I tended to get wrapped up in eRepublik which makes the game less fun after playing it for a while.
eRepublik Quote of the Article- "I heard kooguy is a kool guy"
~John Largo~


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