I'm Pretty Discouraged

Day 1,787, 20:21 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

In case you didn't see, we signed some new MPP's with some more countries.

This is good because now we can fight more often.

But we are still occupied the same amount by Brazil...

I'm discouraged because South Africa really has no hope. The economy Plato has created for us has no hope of helping the situation either.

I really don't think this is Luna's fault. I think he did what was best for the country, and I'm not sure I'd have necessarily made the country "better" as CP.

This is what Brazil has done to us:
They forced their way into our house, and pushed us into a closet in the basement, and left it unlocked. Every time we ventured out of the closet, they'd SLAM the door back shut and leave us in the dark. They did this for a long time. So long that they finally got tired of even having to slam the door. So what they did was open the door themselves. They looked at us and said "We've decided to let you out. You are now free to roam this WHOLE basement! We'd let you back in the rest of the house, but we've grown rather comfortable. Please take this money for our stay! No? Well then, you can go back into the Cupboard again...

It's not rent if it's a permanent situation.

I'm not happy about not getting anything back in all our "negotiations." I'm really not. But I guess we have to have something to negotiate WITH, and we don't. Brazil will still only work out a deal for our TW's if it's convenient for them.

In the meantime they do provide a lot of our government funding, so we can't do anything until we are both self sustainable and able to fight back. At the same time, the reliance on this funding is a crutch that we now put too much weight on, which is why we can't lose it.

I guess I'll go back to having nothing to fight for and know that our government is safe... But I'm glad we have a bunch of new people, that I don't care about to fight for...