I figured this game out - we're in H***! So join me in eAA

Day 1,847, 11:37 Published in Australia Chile by Vyrin the First

I figured out why this game is so insane. It's really quite simple.

It's this: we can't get over losing.

In most games, when you lose, you get a fresh start. A chance to rethink and start in a new battlefield, where there is an actual possibility to win. It's cathartic. Things get better.

Here you just keep dragging your corpse around the battlefield. And since there is no fresh start, people look for things to do like this:


which make it look like you're doing something even though it's just still really losing.

There is only one place with no hope, and unending loss and that's H***. We are there.

Look, the mechanics of this game are so simple. Surprisingly so for a game that's 5 years old! Most of where this game seems to take place could have been simulated over 20 years ago at the advent of email.

This game is a business. Therefore, it is set up to favor those who recruit the most players. And they actually require you to keep recruiting because if you don't, you lose Division 1,2,3. Simple. This is a business, they want to make money, and the win comes when you help them do so.

We are not doing this, nor do we have a strategy to do this, so we will lose over and over and write arcane governmental policies as a way to pretend we're not.

So, therefore I am starting a new organization eAA. It's eAustralians Anonymous. It's for the one addiction we all share no matter our opinions: LOSING. eAA is for those addicted to losing. This is serious. It's a disease and we respect those who have it and try to help.

Here is the first step we all need to take:

1. We admitted we were powerless over losing and that our lives had become unwinnable.

And the great thing is that we can discuss this at a bar!

So if you are like me, and actually want to get out of H***, and restore hope that loss is not our only option - join me as I stand before you and say:

"Hello, my name is Vyrin and I'm a lossaholic!"