Hungary + Poland = True Love

Day 2,555, 14:29 Published in Hungary Thailand by deleted smee
Dear Hungary,

You are well known for your secret NAP's, secret deals and all the under the table dealings you do.

Hungary, you keep telling us "HAIL SERHUN!", that you "love Serbia" and all this other doublespeak.

So it's quite funny that Poland is putting a CO for Hungary versus Ukraine.

So it's quite funny that the MOD of Poland, Kherehabath has given orders to fight for Hungary.

Hungary, I'm sure you know that Poland and Serbia are enemies, so my question is, Hungary, what kind of secret deals have you made with Poland again this time?

A lover of Hungary,
The player previously known as the lover of Hungary aka smee again.

P.S. If there was no truth to this article, then the President, MOD and other ministers of Hungary wouldn't have commented below.. and the typical response "don't look at us!! look at what other people are doing!!"