How can you get from India to a hospital in Atlanta in just 3 hours?!

Day 3,017, 03:55 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by B. Marcell

Am citit istoria pe wall-ul unui HR manager pe care il cunosc, si am decis sa fac share cu voi ca sa nu incercati sa prostiti HR manageri.

Da... inca nu am facut misiunea cu 25 comments, un mic ajutor nu strica, mersi!

"Never a dull day in Recruiting. A "Professional" Sales/Management Candidate cancelled an interview today because they and child had a bad car accident, child had to go to the hospital. Even sent us the pic. How sad right? Not so fast, Google "BMW car accident" if you will. I guess our only remaining question for this future superstar of business is, just how did you get from the streets of India to a hospital in Atlanta in just 3 hours?!"