Hold your breath! M.A.R.C.O.S are here!

Day 2,641, 20:40 Published in India Egypt by Real Steel 4
Hello eWorld!

As the Minister of Education and Retention I would today like to present you the new training and retention program initiated by Government of eIndia.

M.A.R.C.O.S is the RL Indian elite special operations unit.

The training of MARCOS is hard and challenging. Only a selected few get to be the best among the rest! 😃

This ambitious program of eIndian government wants to replicate the same in eIndia by picking up a few selected soldiers/citizens, who are ACTIVE. This aims at creating STRONG soldiers (strength wise) who are the future of eIndia 😃

MARCOS cadets with Bazookas 😛

Structure of the program:

1. The cadets who are to undergo training need to work in the eIndian commune. Absence for more than FIVE days without any prior notice will lead to expulsion from the program.

2. Cadets will be advised to grow STRENGTH, and fight only when ORDERED! Cadets with SUFFICIENT strength can FIGHT if ordered by the trainers!

3. The cadets will be given guides and tips on how a soldier needs to respond in various conditions on the battlefield, instead of mindless killing.

4. Cadets will be trained in Guerrilla warfare by Guerrilla fight experts 😛

5. Battle-coordination, Battle Hero hunting and other concepts in the WAR module will also be explained.

Cadet selection:

The cadets are selected already and a final list is being prepared 🙂

But how come we don't know?
A. Mass PM's were sent to "eligible" soldiers who were under the radar of eIndian government. The talk has been done and the cadets selected now its Training time 😃

The players who seemed worthy are already roped in but there are other problems involved!


We NEED trainers (or say senior players 🙂 ) who can guide the cadets and mentor them, not necessarily in military things but in various other modules too 😃

The trainers will be assigned TWO MARCOS cadets with whom they need to interact daily and record their progress 😃

Currently we need FIVE trainers 😃 (Country of origin doesn't matter 😃)

Bonds for SALE:

As you see the training program is EXPENSIVE and a heavy burden over the tiny treasury of eIndian government. Therefore we would like you to sponsor the program by buying non-reimbursable TRAINING BONDS. This is open for citizens of all countries.

Each bond costs 1000cc and every individual soldier can purchase 5 bonds 🙂

All the people who purchased the bonds will be mentioned in a article which will be published later 😃 The donations can also be of other kind such as food and weapons. If the patrons want to donate gold then please PM me before you donate 😃

DONATE HERE: http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/donate-money/4927164

Finally I want to thank the eIndian Country President Destiny India for permitting me to launch this program. Special thanks to my brothers from S.H.I.E.L.D who helped me chart this program out 😃 😉

Real Steel 4
Director, M.A.R.C.O.S
Minister of Education & Retention